- 1
politics thingy
- 1
On Rising Tensions between the Celestial order and MGC
- 1
are my dispatches ko?????
- 1
To Peace
- 1
To War
- 1
On MGC sanctions
- 3
mewing geometry dash compact
- 1
Poporan Alphabet
- 1
The Gulf Pact (HEAVY WIP)
- 1
Índićes Miltićaris - Ejerzitum Oficalis de Nova Roma
- 1
Astorian Radiant Cavalry
- 1
Declaration on Warts
- 1
GOAT flag referendum - 14/06/23
- 1
In Memory of Le GOAT
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Vote Omnicontrol for Voice of the Flock! - June 2023 - GOAT
- 1
B. 3: Foundations of the Region to compete against Interregional Organizations (FRÍO) Act
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My GOAT History