
by The unn office. . 90 reads.

Help TUA Grow!

Do you enjoy being in The Universal Allegiance? Are you looking for a way to help the region? Well helping to increase our population is one of the best ways to help. And all you have got to do is sacrifice a little of your NS time and send out telegrams..

The best way to contribute to the recruitment campaign is by donating telegram stamps. Click here to read more on how to donate!

Don't be disappointed if you are not in a position to donate but you still want to contribute. If you are interested there is an another way too! All you have to do is follow the steps below:

1) Go to activities page by clicking on 'More' under World Activity in 'The World' page.

2) Click on foundings

3) Go to a recently founded nation from the list and click on 'Write Telegram'

4) Copy our LinkRecruitment telegram template and send it. Remember to click on 'This is a recruitment telegram' box.

LinkClick here for our recruitment telegram template

If we all did this a bunch of times everyday, combined with our recruitment campaign, we could become one of the largest regions in the game sooner than you think

If you have got any doubts, feel free to telegram Lollerland

The unn office

