
by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 8 reads.

Vote Against SC resolution Condemn The Invaders

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Invaders
Vote Recommendation: Against

Ministry Review
Written by Virginian inquisitors

This resolution, like the previous one written for the liberation of Social Liberal Union, is even more ingratiating and obsequious toward The Invader Network. Having failed in the previous attempt at passing the sycophantic liberation proposal of SLU, the obvious intent of this resolution is to wear the condemnation as a "badge of honor". The resolution itself is peppered with words of praise for The Invaders, using phrases such as "large and infamous" to describe them. As further proof of its insincerity, the nation that proposed this WA resolution even included a passage claiming "that The Invaders...have infiltrated this august body itself in order to promote its destructive ways" [emphasis added]. This is shameless and blatant propaganda masquerading as a condemnation, and should not be seen as anything but. It would behoove us as a region to deny The Invaders the satisfaction of having this resolution pass.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

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This recommendation was originally published on 2016-10-21. It was reposted as this dispatch for archival purposes.

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