Dispatch → Factbook → Religion
Dáxlam adopted as state religion
4 years after her Fathers death Queen Lilly II Makes an announcement."Most noble people of Lussia, four years ago my farther died protecting our home. Since then I have been thinking hard about why he died, was it really necessary for him to lose his life. I have now come to the conclusion, yes, yes it was. For his death was in fact a message. It was a message from the most holy Hovis telling us that he has guided us far but he cannot go any further, he can no longer protect us but do not fret my people for I have found a new light. A light that will guide us safely for the rest of time and that light is Dáxlam. It does not stop there however, we must work to spread this light to the world for if my neighbour is starving then we are selves are impoverished. Thank you, my loyal citizens."