
by The Confederacy of Undivulged Principles. . 311 reads.

Dynamic Yet Restrained

The Confederacy's economy is one of the largest in NS yet is highly restricted in several areas. The restraint has been due mostly to environmental restrictions and has affected areas such as mining, agriculture & timber felling to thegreatest extent. Early in its history there was selectivemining for uranium (which was also purchased in large quantities) but as The Conferacy's tech levelhasadvanced theneedforsuchmining hasdiminished. Agriculture and Timber have been curtailed since ancient.tomes and The Confederacy has long maintained itself through self-sustained privateagriculture with only a smalldomesticmarket. Thisis largely suppllemented by a vigorous import market, especially in theUltra-Citiesin theurban centers.

The Confederacy has long been dominated by three industries, the Auto, IT & Book Publishing. Strong in other industries like Arms, Insurance & Trout Fishing, the Confederacy has one sector dominate. In the past it had been the Auto industry and then Book Publishing, now it has predominately been the IT Industry.

The Confederacy is a NS leader in environmental tech, one of the few economic giants with a completelyselfsustained energysource,and isalso amongst the foremost authoritiesin the area of environmental military tech (discussed in other factbooks). Recycled plasticsare mandatory and garbage is regularly shot into space.

The citizens hold their privacy dear and this includes economic freedoms but there are key indistires that fall under government control and strict regulation.

The rail industry is largelynationalized asarethemajordefense contractors. However, the Confederacy is not adverse to selling its wares to its citizens once it feels it has established a way to.marginalize the product militarily if need be.

All in all the Confederacy offers a wide range of top quality goods that can be bought virtually anywhere combined with world class services to be found in all but the most remote areas. There is a reason it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nationstates.
