
by The Democratic Republic of The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp. . 222 reads.

Super weapons + The military alert system

Declassified information on super weapons from TDDROH Defence.

The Sen virus is a virus that can bring a computer network (eg. the internet) completely down within 16 minutes.

The only way to stop it is by setting up a "quarantine zone" where the virus can't get in.

The virus has two rules.

1. Respect the quarantine.

2. To reproduce by uploading a copy of yourself to any and every server, encrypt files, destroy the encryption key as soon as its made, and then delete them.

The only way to quarantine your files is by adding a new file attached to that file with just a one 1 in it's binary code.
This file is the first thing the virus reads and only by this one file is your file safe.

The Sen virus in a usb flash drive.

The Golden Light Project is 164 feet monster that shoots lasers.

It is being stored at [REACTED] as last defence of the Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp.

This data declassified by order of The Honorable Johnny Gat, Minister Of Defence.

A team of seven powered armored AMG elites with over 10,000 hours of experience each.

Power armor consists of :

    1x Bullet, fire, blast and waterproof 360° helmet linked to a GPS with full AR abilities
    1x Bullet, fire, blast and waterproof suit tempered to resist temperatures of over 5000 °C
    2x Bullet, fire, blast and waterproof unicorn enchanted flight boots capable of carrying 5 metric tons plus user
    1x 950 JDJ Minigun with [reacted] amount of ammo storage
    2x Swords enchanted with unicorn magic to return to user if thrown

Names of the power armor team are classified.

The military alert system for the The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp
works like this:

5: Muffins and love! Everything is fine.

4: Somethings wrong. If it's a country,
decrease economic activity with them and try to reason with what is wrong. If terrorists, send in military. <-current level.

3: Oh crap. Even less economic activity with nation. Send in more troops if terrorists.

2: Don't make me do this. We will be cutting out 99% of trade, send in ambassador after ambassador to improve nation relationship.

1.5: Your butt is frozen. Freeze their accounts.

1: War were declared. War were declared.
