
by The Sunny Balkans of Kubrath. . 149 reads.



Country code: KUB

Number of televisions: 10,830,000,000

Number of telephones: 2,345,000,000

Number of cell phones: 8,788,000,000

Number of radios: 4,510,000,000

Radio broadcast stations:

Major radio broadcasters:

Cyril Pryamov – radio broadcaster of the radio version of “Operation Glory” on Kubrath Radio, where the glorious and not so glorious moments of Bulgarian and Kubrath history are retold in an easy to follow and grabbing manner. Cyril Prjamov is the most famous radio broadcaster in Kubrath according to a national survey.

Stilyan Kamenov – the radiobroadcaster and journalist of “The Anti-Government Hour”, a popular broadcast from Broadcasting Independence station. His hour is one of the national trademarks of Kubrath.

Hristo Grabich – a well-known Kubrath comedian and broadcaster of the satirical show “Bàyganjovshtina”, typically unpronounceable by foreigners, this show is the most popular broadcast on Bày Ganjo station.

Television broadcasters:

Stanislav Trifonov -center, with sunglasses- and Ku-Ku Band.

Stanislav Trifonov, known as Slavi Trifonov is a Kubrath showman, actor, singer and viola player born in Pleven. He is the host of Slavi's Show, KNTV's late-night talk show. It is styled after the standard U.S. late-night talk shows. Nevertheless, many topics and elements in the show's setup are aimed at providing a specific Kubrath flavor. Trifonov is a professionally trained violist. In the early 1990s, together with several of his classmates at NATFIZ (National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts), he created Ku-Ku Band (left picture). He is both loved and hated in his home country. His current show is one of the most watched, although he is often criticized for his controversial humor. The concept of "Slavi's Show" has changed significantly over the years. Originally, it was based on the classic formula - half of the show he performed a type of "one-man show" (though not exactly - Trifonov was often accompanied by other actors and his Ku-Ku Band) and in the other half Trifonov introduced a guest. At one point, the show became an arena for political debates before some important elections. Later on, Trifonov and his team changed the concept and made the show more music-focused. In 2005, Trifonov steered his show in a different direction. This time, the famous comedians Krasi Radkov, Liubomir Neikov and Viktor Kalev riveted the attention of thousаnds of viewers. In 2006, Liubomir Neikov left Slavi Show and joined The Comics (a comedian program, also on KNTV).

Lora Krumova is a Kubrath reporter, renowned for her staggering reveals on the newly founded government, as well as the previous one. She has won many national awards for her outstanding journalistic skills, including the Journalist of the Century Award for Reports on Internal Affairs. A former Nova Television co-host of the then popular “Hello, Bulgaria”, Lora left the television for BTV (Bulgarian TV, now Kubrath National Television) and became the host of her own show called “This Sunday”, aired every Sunday. The journalist not only welcomes guests in the studio, but also visits the homes of celebrities to tell little known facts about them. In the program you can see more: direct involvement in everyday life topics, unconventional look at the cultural life and exclusive reports submitted by herself.

Rosen Petrov is a Kubrath intellectualist and host of the popular “Let Them Speak” show, where each week, he invites and interviews different guests, depending on who the viewers choose. This show also includes the TV version of “Operation Glory”, which has the goal of retelling historical events, big or small, that in some way have brought glory to the Kubrath nation and country. He is a very close friend of Stanislav Trifonov and sometimes partakes in “Slavi’s Show”, when needed.

Internet hosts: None

Internet service providers:

Internet users: 6,000,000,000

Domain extension: .kub


The Sunny Balkans of Kubrath
