
by The Vote WAF DPM of Western Arba Fir. . 142 reads.

TRTHNBB - Government Approval Results -December 2024

The Ministry of Domestic Affairs
Minister of Domestic Affairs: Ardeyn
Head of Data: Western Arba Fir

Government Approval Poll Results - December 2024

Hey Everyone! Happy December!

I am happy to announce that this month's government approval ratings results! Thanks to Ardeyn, our Minister of Domestic Affairs, for putting the poll together!

Please note that myself (Western Arba Fir) was taking a break from NS while the last approval ratings were happening so mine will be compared to mine in August. Also, Rogue River was not apart of our Regional Government during the last approval ratings so this is his first ever approval ratings as a member of our Regional Government.

Now let's get to it!

  • Yodle's approval decreased from 9.17 to 8.97. (-0.20)
    Yodle is the current Governor of the region.

  • America the Greater's approval decreased from 8.83 to 8.53. (-0.31)
    ATG is the current Prime Minister and WA Delegate of the region.

  • Gine Caruttiva's approval decreased from 8.00 to 7.81. (-0.19)
    Gine is the current Deputy Prime Minister of the region.

  • Faralried's approval decreased from 7.96 to 7.46. (-0.50)
    Faralried is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of the region.

  • Ardeyn's approval decreased from 8.50 to 7.58. (-0.92)
    Ardeyn is the current Minister of Domestic Affairs of the region.

  • The Washington Federation's approval decreased from 8.54 to 7.71.(-0.83)
    Wash Fed is the current Minister of Culture of the region.

  • The Kaverian's approval decreased from 7.88 to 6.94. (-0.94)
    The Kaverian is the current Speaker of Parliament of the region.

  • Venesia Grande's approval decreased from 7.83 to 7.13. (-0.70)
    Venesia is the current Head of Diplomats of the region.

  • Western Arba Fir's approval increased from 7.30 to 7.65. (+0.35)*
    WAF is the current Head of Data of the region.

  • Claibornia's approval decreased from 7.83 to 6.48(-1.35)
    Claibornia is the current Head of Roleplay of the region.

  • Rogue River, a new government member, received an approval rating of 7.71..

    These are some big changes - I'd like to highlight a couple of the most significant ones:

  • All the Government officials, besides me (it's not rigged I promise) score decreased, which is very surprising to me because we've accomplished a lot since the last government Approval Ratings. Our new RP is going to start very soon, the TSR editions are as cool as ever, and we also had the census very recently.

  • The only government official that's score increased was Western Arba Fir's (me), I don't really know why, it might be because I did the census very recently, but I'm not 100% sure.

  • The Government official with the lowest score and the highest decrease was Claibornia, I think (I might be wrong) it's because RP has taken so long and he is the Head of RP.

    Unsurprisingly Yodle and ATG got the most 10/10 votes, while Venesia Grande got the least amount of 10/10 votes, and Claibornia got the most 0/10 votes.

    We also received some comments from interested residents, and I'd like to mention a few of them here:
    • Two different Residents said that they didn't even know that Claibornia was the Head of Roleplay.

    • One resident said that they feel like that "The Kaverian has given up on his role at this point."

    • One resident said that "Overall, the ATG Administration has tons of solid people involved in the government however there are bumps and thorns in the road and a few I prefer to avoid running. It has been a tough year for TRTHNBB overall anyway."

    • One resident said that "Reading The Social Reformer and chatting with people on the Discord has really inspired me to be more active in this community, and to spend more time learning how to properly play NS! Plus, everyone here has been so welcoming! Y'all are doing great!!"

      Thanks for reading this edition of our Government Approval Poll!

      Poll created and distributed by Ardeyn, Minister of Domestic Affairs
      Data collation and analysis by Western Arba Fir, Head of Data
      Charts made by America the Greater, Prime Minister

      (*Compared to August Government Approval Ratings)
