
by The Holy dystopia of Enzonar. . 206 reads.

My final words on rwot

Hello, I'm finished with the amount of horrifically false information spread about me, I do not care about credibility, as I think I have not gone onto the security council in any way. If you would like to contact me, go to Discord, where I am in the 10000 islands discord server.

First of all, I would like to clarify that fascism is not supported or present in the region, as the perpetrator, Urban, has been banned from the region by the time of the raid, and Tyra Melin, the original founder who was the main perpetrator of all the constitutions and rulings supporting fascism, was no longer in government and was not for a very long time. The government, headed by Lethinia has been against fascism for an extended amount of time.

The "fascism" used as evidence surrounded two nations, The Arsens and Kelban Island. These two have specifically never been fascist out of character and has never shown fascist views, aside from one where Kelban Island was comparing prohibiting fascism to xenophobia, which was both denounced by the government, and was a one off thing, as Kelban has not shown ANY other idealization of fascists. They however, were fascist in character, which was another reason behind Libcord's DND for some reason. They literally had their lore changed by libcord because they were fascist in character.

Second of all, I would like to talk about the allegations. a TON of these messages were brought to my attention by RWOT and a debriefing of most of the DND was provided to me by a TITO commander officer. This was the majority of the reason behind the DND, and initially, due to some confusion I was hesitant about the discord stuff, but once I saw the evidence it was clear to me that this portion of the DND was deserved and clear, and that the rules within the discord had to be enforced. I claimed it was because of incompetence since the server moderation was stretched thin and enforced by one person.

Third, I was one of the main people specifically telling people to stop liberating rwot, and my proposal, on DO NOT DEFEND CLAUSES RESURGO, was not born out of desire to liberate the region, but trying to speak about the incredibly poor handling of the situation by libcord and how easy it was for misinformation about it's DND to spread, unlike how most people within the world assembly who are specifically trying to make me seem deluded.

Before the last rwot liberation thread was created, I have stopped and apologized for being uninformed about how libcord has cleared this information up, and that the misinformation spread by the initial raid was cleared.

After this, I was DMmed by Ea chirmore, where I gave many rmb posts written by nations who thought that rwot was raided due to a fash bash and how this region was inherently a fascist supporting safe haven. They have told me that they have been replied to by people like rosartemis, and I recognized that and said that I had already apologized, since I unintentionally stirred the controversy back up again. I still stand by my original evidence that nations were led to believe that the inhabitants of RWOT are fascist, but I recognize that this is no longer the case.

A claim I have gotten is that their name has been cleared by libcord and that they never perpetuated the spread of false information, however earlier posts include a link to Arsenia, an IC fascist nation, who they used as evidence of fascism, and claimed that he was still within the region. There isn't much that I need to defend when these were the earliest posts by people within the security council who came to their own assumptions and tried to smear the region without official sanctioning from libcord, while people agreed.

Addressing the badge hunter allegations, what badge hunter would risk permanently destroying his credibility in order to defend a region after interviewing both sides to get enough information to pass an educated opinion?

I think I've done everything I could, at this point, the "let it go" crap has caused my brain to literally run on autopilot and I was too tired to speak properly, which was the main reason behind why I became so brainrotty and flamey in the thread.

List of misinformation:

Fascism: Both Arsen Republic of Stratenia and Kelban Island are not fascist ooc, and were only fascist in character. Urban was banned from the region as well, and unlike what most of sc thinks, tyra was not an ro or in government at all during the time of the raid, which should invalidate every argument where the evidence presented was a post from Tyra Melin, especially since the government has specifically disavowed fascism.

CASE 1: INJUNCT ROSES WITHOUT THORNS, by Porotia, dajwdoiadjh

CyptopirPorotia:[Mikasa Ackerman: Against because of the author's ties to Fifth Empire as well as the fact that the region in question is not being defended by defenders. Odd how the fascists are coming out of the woodworks to save the region...]
I'm only for it because I really liked RWOT and there are nations that were in RWOT pre-raid that I was on good terms with.]
RWOT nations friendly with fascist, noted. More reason to let the region burn, as far as we're concerned.[/quote]

Mikasa Ackerman;p="42032508"][quote="Porotia";p="42032499"][quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032487"]Against because of the author's ties to Fifth Empire as well as the fact that the region in question is not being defended by defenders. Odd how the fascists are coming out of the woodworks to save the region...[/quote]I'm only for it because I really liked RWOT and there are nations that were in RWOT pre-raid that I was on good terms with.[/quote]
Oh so more reasons to burn the region, thanks for reaffirming the fact that RWOT members were interacting with fascists! Thanks for your help.

[quote="Cyptopir";p="42032505"][quote="Porotia";p="42032499"] I'm only for it because I really liked RWOT and there are nations that were in RWOT pre-raid that I was on good terms with.[/quote]RWOT nations friendly with fascist, noted. More reason to let the region burn, as far as we're concerned.[/quote]
Dang it, you took my thunder lol[/quote]

Implying that because Porotia is defending the region, RWOT supports and endorses Porotia's former ideology.

Implies that even touching or talking to fascists at all in a non-negative way should view them as fascist defenders, also, op doesn't specify at all who they were interacting with, which incriminates the whole region.

[quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032549"][quote="United Disney States";p="42032535"][quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032532"] I thought you said you were on good terms with several nations in your prior message. Was this a miscommunication or are you walking back on the fact that you've made things worse for the region you're trying to help?[/quote]It means there on good terms, and it also doesn’t mean there a fascist right away, like you keep claiming[/quote]
I mean being friendly with a RO of the self-proclaimed super-fascists of NationStates is a pretty telling piece of evidence of fascist sympathies.

[quote="Porotia";p="42032541"][quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032532"]I thought you said you were on good terms with several nations in your prior message. Was this a miscommunication or are you walking back on the fact that you've made things worse for the region you're trying to help?[/quote]Miscommunication. I overspoke.[/quote]
Very well, though this doesn't change my opinion obviously.[/quote]

Implies being friendly with a fascist should mean that their entire region, where most of the members interact on forum 7, endorses and sympathizes with fascists, even though forum 7 is a public forum where OOC ideologies aren't readily apparent.

Interactions can mean so many things, maybe they're nice on f7 in a post, or maybe their father and son, this doesn't help anything.

[quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032571"][quote="Disgraces";p="42032550"]I see commies once again pulled out of their asses that a region is fascist (it's not) and invaded it. I support this proposal.[/quote]I reiterate my point about the fascists all coming out to support the region, it's pretty telling on its own without defenders telling me otherwise. Also I'm not a communist and never have been, so I don't think that classification really applies in this situation.[/quote]

Have you wondered if that isn't a problem with the region itself, and how fascists are not aligning with the will of the ROs who specifically do not want the region to be liberated?

[quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032689"][quote="Arakhkhar";p="42032674"]May I ask - on what grounds is RWOT being accused of Fascism/Harboring Fascists et-cetera? It is a relatively common buzzword at this point that seems to have wholly lost its meaning. I am not quite acquainted with such a perspective of RWOT as holding such opinions - especially given the explanation that I was provided before, on the RWOT RMB. If someone - a raider, preferably, could answer in a concise, polite manner, I would be appreciative.[/quote]The region has several people in it that were using racial slurs on top of a long-standing history of being accepting of fascists, with one of the people in their discord being a self-proclaimed fascist. In this case, it's very much a deserved dnd. Defenders have also confirmed as such. with someone with a government position in a defender region posting confirmation that it was stated in Libcord on the thread for the Liberation as well as some natives backing up the claims.[/quote]

1, 2.

Possibly referring to Urban

The region had recently undergone changes that removed the original government from power and prohibited fascism. Urban had been banned from the region prior to the raid.

Lethinia: I don’t feel comfortable that someone from a fascist region is addressing/injecting my region :/[/quote]


CASE 2: Liberate Roses Without Thorns(redux) by United Disney States

The Kaisers Syndicates:[quote="United Disney States";p="42032300"][nation]Suthanimark[/nation]Badge hunt, badge hunt! Badge hunt, badge hunt! I would be careful about supporting regions that harbor fascists and fascist-sympathizers. Also, you're wasting your time, 'tis almost a stronghold already.[/quote]I have never heard of them harboring facists before, how did you hear this?[/quote]
Apparently our former RP Minister RPed as a facist nation and when called out someone else stated that the rules say nothing about fascists because the region is all welcoming
(I’m currently trying to catch a one way to MJT but I’m currently banned due to some problematic region history…)[/quote]

This is referring to Kelban Island, who has compared fascism to xenophobia, but in a way where it was not actively malicious or promoting fascism as an ideology. From my knowledge this was a one-time thing and literally 2 scoville units of fascism defense.

The scarlet rot[quote="The Kaisers Syndicates";p="42032310"][quote="United Disney States";p="42032300"] I have never heard of them harboring facists before, how did you hear this?[/quote]Apparently our former RP Minister RPed as a facist nation and when called out someone else stated that the rules say nothing about fascists because the region is all welcoming
(I’m currently trying to catch a one way to MJT but I’m currently banned due to some problematic region history…)[/quote]
A complete mischaracterization of the reasons.

The reasons for the region being DND was not gathered by me, I went into this raid, planned it, executed it, all with the confidence that the region was clean and was not DNDable, I was mistaken. The evidence that was provided to me was a lot more damning than you say it is, I will say no further on the matter.[/quote]
[quote="The Scarlet Rot";p="42032345"][quote="Tyra Melin";p="42032338"][quote="The Scarlet Rot";p="42032289"]Go argue that with defenders.[/quote]

I need to clear some things up. For one, we never supported fascism and never will support fascism. We create the region as free for all, which was what Kelra didn’t do. Due to this, we did not explicitly exclude fascists in our constitution until after someone mentioned it. Also during this time there was a whole lot of infighting going on regarding the delegate, and, eventually, some people got banned. We explicitly banned fascists from the region, however, our name was forever soiled. Our reputation was in ruins. Our RP Officer, unbeknownst to us at the time, was in RP a fascist. We banned him from positions of power after that. Unfortunately, no one is letting RWOT let us tell our side of the story. This is just the simple stuff, there is tons more I could go into. We were cruelly raided and then unfairly abandoned. Please, help us.[/quote]
Not what your own RMB posts said, if you're going to argue a point, don't make it a point that can be torn apart with a simple search. I acknowledge that there is a non-problematic core of natives, they exist, you are not one of them. I assure you we have been incredibly kind to the ones who are willing to talk to us without throwing vitriol at our efforts to preserve the ones worth saving, you are not one of them.[/quote]

The evidence collected by Rosa I also have, and it is of discord OOC stuff about Jewish dogwhistling and the n word, and I do not disagree with this. There is a clear difference from people pushing this fascist narrative and those who have information from libcord. This was perpetuated by both Urban and another person who I am not going to disclose. I do not defend these acts, but the DND was only placed after the "fascism" was made apparent. The vast majority of these nations within the community are good, and those bad apples such as Urban and Tyra Melin are not representative of the entire region, despite formerly being in power.

[quote="0cala";p="42032385"]How can you be this sympathetic to an ideology known to be racist and illegal? One of you might even have a Zitler body pillow.[/quote]Talking to OP, suggesting that because they submitted this proposal, they are defending fascism.

The Galactic Authority of Progress: [quote="Tyra Melin";p="42032379"][quote="Porotia";p="42032373"] Marvelous. Horseshoe theory do be like that. Again, lets stay on topic. A badge hunt is when a nation or region makes an intention to acquire a WA bill badge on their page.[/quote]

Well, I don’t want some badge or prize. I want my region.

[quote="0cala";p="42032374"] Dude, just make another fascist region thingy or whatever, this proposal is deemed to fail![/quote]

I don’t want a fascist region and we never were fascist.[/quote]

Cope! Just join us already. They'll treat you the same either way.
It's more fun if you don't try to defend against the accusations of fascism, you just embrace them. Try it, you'll understand soon enough.[/quote]

Tyra melin was lying here, she did have certain parts in their constitution that defended fascism, but most people here are acting both like Tyra owns the region, and that the constitution is the one they had prior to the raid.

Tyra is not part of the region's government and people keep claiming it, including experienced veterans such as Bhang Bhang Duc, who has said that the original owner supports fascism and had an active role in keeping fascism a part of the region.

[quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032493"]I personally don't know who the proposer is, however I'm curious as to why they're proposing something that would prolong operations to clear out a fascist-aligned region that defenders aren't trying to stop. If they wanted for it to be saved, they would've proposed their own.[/quote]

Fascist aligned is wild when the fascist aligned people within the region are banned and deposed and the region's recent amendments towards their constitution removed tolerance for fascism.

[quote="Cyptopir";p="42032500"][quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032493"]I personally don't know who the proposer is, however I'm curious as to why they're proposing something that would prolong operations to clear out a fascist-aligned region that defenders aren't trying to stop.[/quote]They don't seem to have any problem being friendly with fascists, I've observed.
Either that, or they're just ignorant to what's actually going on and are just badge hunting.
Or both.[/quote]

They are not friendly with fascists. Again, with my point that the fascist information within the DND was outdated.

[quote="Mikasa Ackerman";p="42032553"][quote="United Disney States";p="42032551"]Since, I am learning more and more information, I will tomorrow decide to either continue, this proposal, or scrap it like my fellow defenders, come back with the decision in a couple of hours, however, this doesn’t lose the fact it was wrongfully raided, yes it may die only if somehow dnd, can be lifted but that would take a miracle for it to happen[/quote]Its dnd status will never be revoked and the raid, although originally meant to be malicious, has now become justified. Trust me, I've been here for nearly half a decade, I know a thing or two.[/quote]

It was never justified, Rosartemis has said that they raided it because they wanted it to be raided.

[quote="[nation]Attes in Majestia[/nation]";p="42033021"]Long story short the RWOT government kept two fascist sympathizers in it's region called Kelban and Tyra melin.[/quote]

Kelban is not a fascist sympathizer, at least now, and before the only evidence was of their comparison of intolerance of fascism to xenophobia

Tyra Melin isn't in power and their fascist sympathy shouldn't be a reason to justify the raid of an entire region.

The Kharkivan Cossacks[quote="United Disney States";p="42033187"]For the sakes, in everyone, the proposal will not go through as there is just too much fighting, I just want to say my bosses didn’t care about this, or they would have constantly contacted me on Dis, if that happened, but no it really didn’t, [/quote]Perhaps it could be because they declared the region DnD.
This "fighting" is everyone telling you that this region is DnD and this proposal is not needed.
[quote]but no matter after this my reputation would stay strong, since I am in the warm, welcoming, community of TSP.[/quote]Reputation? Thats sure as hell broken.[/quote]

This proves my point that even disagreeing with libcord at all is a line straight to "destroying your credibility", and allows everyone to ignore all the evidence presented as well as allowing them to spread false information about peoples' opinions about a situation. It is legitimately kinda stupid to see how you can get excluded from everything just because you made a proposal or defended people from false allegations which did not directly benefit Libcord.

MerethinGreat Britain-and Northern Ireland";p="42043757"][quote="Lenlyvit";p="42043754"] You need 37 more in the next 6 hours, which isn't going to happen.[/quote]How do you know it won’t?
Defenders are against it.
Raiders are against it.
Pretty much everyone else in GP is also against it.

And even if they weren't, it's very unlikely that you'd get all those approvals in 6 hours.[/quote]

Even RWOT was against it, and I was also against it, the problem with this is that both sides spread false information, and a ton of "rwot defenders" did not ask libcord for the DND or do any sort of communication to receive more evidence and testimonies. My approach was pretty different in how I tried to get the best information I could to be able to defend the region.

What I heard was that the moderation in the server is carried by one person who is doing most of the moderation. At this point they are stretched very thin. I did however see them deal with fascist defending such as with Kelban.

This has led people within the security council to accuse me of doing the same thing, when I have clearly reiterated my stance, which people ignore in favour of the "Roses without thorns is never fascist, and the DND was only because RWOT was fascist" thing some nations are saying, which has led me to be blacklisted from the WA for trying to dispel misinformation basically.

This should be enough proof to show how the situation was even worse than I thought, and that the horrific generalization of fascism within the region has led to good nations within roses without thorns to become pretty much screwed.

The Scarlet Rot: It's funny cause Enzonar keeps saying things that didn't happen, I don't recall an instance of someone saying RWOT was fash that wasn't immediately addressed as being incorrect, the raid leaders including myself have communicated to death with the remaining native government (including the people he's using to leverage as emotional appeal), and have assured them numerous times that we do not view them as problematic and such, and that we have spent much time helping them remove said problematic people from their community. If I hadn't known any better I'd have just said Enzonar was just being ignorant, but given how the raiders have clarified dozens of times over a dozen different SC threads, but it's starting to feel like a lie.

Literally none of what he's saying has happened lol

Look above

Outer Sparta: Why are you in denial of RWoT being fascist or being problematic in their ideology?

I got a ton of messages saying that I ignore the "or", if they aren't fascist, why do you need to mention that at all? The region's ideology was never problematic other than letting fascists in the region, which was taken out of the constitution a while before the raid.

Outer Sparta: Operative word is "or" right here, meaning that RWoT harbored fascist OR other problematic ideologies which made them a DND region by defenders. There is every right to suspect RWoT was a problematic region based on the DND order on its own and isn't one that defenders would like to associate themselves with.

There were no other problematic ideologies and the one which was fascism belonged to Urban. The entire premise of the DND was because of messages and jokes within the discord which were offensive and racist. You seem to be less informed of the DND than I am.

CASE 3: Angeloid Astraea's post

Astraea: As one of the leaders of the Sparkling Army of Sparkalia, I have long decided it is my responsibility to conduct background checks on every potential target that the Sparkling Army might lead an invasion into, checking for any potentially problematic events, because I would rather the Sparkling Army lead invasions that are always a fight for defenders. Kelios is an example of a region that passed my background check.

Astraea: On September 25th, Roses Without Thorns failed my background check because of a single RMB post. This was over 2 weeks before our allies in the Brotherhood of Malice invaded Roses Without Thorns. I didn't forward any of this information to defenders, because I was unaware that Roses Without Thorns was the target until the invasion happened, but defenders easily found the same kinds of evidence without my help. After the region was declared DnD, I did even more digging on the NS side to see what was problematic, and this is what I found on my own.

A single rmb post was enough to incriminate a huge frontier with hundreds of active nations, that's good to know

Astraea: The founder of Roses Without Thorns made it clear multiple times that RWoT as a region would tolerate fascists, through multiple RMB posts:

Astraea: RWoT also did tolerate fascists, specifically from the region associated with the now Delete-on-Sight Buhers.

The founder of Roses without thorns was not only deposed, but also condemned and berated for their acceptance of fascism. You are saying that essentially some random guy who exists within RWOT represents the entire government and ideology of the region.

Not only was tyra melin not an ro, but she also just returned recently from being banned.
You are using Tyra Melin's constitution, which was not only written by Tyra melin who you are trying to present as the main authority behind the region, but also not being used. You are using information from I don't know how long ago and presenting it after Lethinia gained power. Not only was Lethinia wa delegate, but the acting delegate at the time of the raid, Lethinia specifically disallowed fascism.

Are you gonna put a person who isn't in power and only recently rejoined the region above the current delegate who actually has authourity over the region?
I'm legitimately surprised that you didn't even see the quote in which Lethinia, the delegate, DISALLOWED FASCISM.
Buhers was removed from the discord a few weeks before the raid

Astraea: Additionally, the regional laws of RWoT contained the following:

"No citizen nation may be denied access to any of Roses Without Thorns’ facilities based solely on their background, majority ethnicity, nationality or place of residency, their political affiliations (Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Fascists, Communists, Theocrats, Loyalists, Democrats, and so on), their financial status, their sexual interests, or their religion."

Fascists are specifically mentioned as a protected political affiliation.

Explain Lethinia's quote, which was:
"Nuh-uh now I changed the rules like 5 hours ago saying that we will not tolerate fascists"

Also don’t say that 2x

So, please Enzonar, stop spreading misinformation. RWOT was problematic at the time of the raid.

You're the one whos spreading misinfo by putting tyra melin in a position of influence she doesn't have.

Astraea then decided to refute my statement with this:
Downplaying Tyra Melin's involvement because "they're banned" when you know they were only banned after the raid happened, that is the kind of thing that tells me that you're not approaching this in good faith.

Not only was tyra melin banned before that and welcomed back, she was also not allowed to be in a position of power and berated by Lethinia for claiming the region accepts fascists.

Me: I have said multiple times that the roses without thorns ROs do not wish to reclaim it or defend it.

Tungstan: Because nobody would ever lie on the Internet. Right? (link is to a draft that is not by an RO.) viewtopic.php?f=24&t=556834

The Scarlet Rot: To add to this, it's not like we have pushed away non-problematic natives like Xerxias or Lethinia either. Before the start of the operation (and the subsequent Do-not-defend), and during said occupation, the operation leaders have clearly communicated amongst themselves who is considered problematic and who is not. We have no malice intended towards the natives who are not part of the original problem and actively (or at least try to) work with them to settle whatever issues they have. Bear in mind, for the wider community, this raid wasn't supposed to be a DND operation at first.

This does not mean, however, that we'll pull out of the region and "give it back" to the non-problematic core. The end goal of this occupation is still to password and permanently install a governor in the region, and that is not changing regardless of whether we identify who among the crowd was not involved. The best thing for them to do now is recognize what their past issues were, fix them, and move on to greener pastures.

Clearly, people like Mikasa Ackerman and Cytopir have clearly implied that this region is founded on fascism and that a good portion of the region is fascist. Do you think I would go this far without seeing this?

Me: Hold on, first part is legitimately and completely untrue.


{TO CLARIFY: Citizen Guarantee number VI is intended to be interpreted as to prevent exclusion or discrimination based on accusations, NOT to guarantee asylum or protection for users committing discriminatory behavior.}
It is not rare to see controversial figures labeled and categorized into hate groups simply for being controversial or unpopular to another group. Repeat: Kelra, Roses Without Thorns, and their sister regions do not encourage nor endorse social discrimination, regardless.

RMB Rules

1. Communication:

• Administrators should, whenever possible, warn users before suppressing messages. Warnings can be by telegram or on the RMB, depending on the severity of the infraction.

• Impersonation of other members or regions as a whole should be treated the same as bypassing restrictions and bans and penalties.

2. Message Suppression:

• After a warning, messages that continue to violate the rules will be suppressed. In cases of serious infractions (e.g. threats of violence, hate speech), suppression may occur without prior warning.

3. Permanent Ban:

Users can be ejected or banned for:

• Users who repeat infractions after multiple warnings and suppressions, or who commit serious infractions, may be eject or permanently banned.

• Voting fraud, which is hereby defined as:
Fraudulent use of Polls to sway an election or survey in a nation’s favor. Simply, a user may only ever vote once per poll, regardless of what resident nation is used.

• Violation of a user’s personal information, whether correct or not, even if entirely made up. This specifically refers to the Internet Protocol Address of their network-accessible device, the home address, town/village/city of residence, their county of residence, or their province or state of residence, their age (more serious consequence if their age < 18 years), or any elaborate physical description of the user. This is to protect them outside of the context of the website.

• Disclosure of personal or sensitive information of other users without consent, such as home addresses (particularly when the subject is relating to a minor (under 18).

4. Appeals:

• Users have the right to appeal bans. Appeals must be sent in writing to the WA Delegate, or a Golden Officer within 7 days of the action. The administration has until seven more days to respond.

5. Decision Review:

• Appeals will be reviewed by the WA Delegate or the Golden Officers. Decisions can be reversed if they are considered unfair or based on misunderstandings.

6. Suppression:

Messages can be suppressed by administrators by:

Harassment and Intimidation.

• Threats of violence, hateful acts directed toward anyone, or intimidation of anyone, anywhere, in any region or official Roses Without Thorns environment.

Inappropriate Content:

• Publication of explicit, or offensive material intended for the chat audience. This may include nudity with the intent of sexual gratification, especially pornography, especially if the propagation of said media is considered illegal, but with the exception of purely artistic purposes (statues, seals, artistic interpretations of events real or fictional), glorifying of acts that are illegal by United States or Australian law (Roses Without Thorns is American-based and subject to American laws, and NationStates is subject to Australian law as it’s Australian based).

Ejection/Ban (Bans can be appealed via Founder or WA Delegate or officers with Border Control powers)

Discriminatory Behavior:

• Making claims about a racial, sexual, religious, ethnic, mentally or physically affected, or political group of any kind is strictly prohibited, even in private.

Offensive Content:

• Publication of explicit, offensive or inappropriate material for the chat audience.

Recurrence of Offences:

• Frequent repetition of any behavior listed in the suppression section, even after punishment.

Serious Threats:

• Threats of violence or intimidation against other users that are considered serious.

Illegal Activity:

• Encouraging illegal activities (not related to game).

Creating Bypass Accounts:

• Creation of multiple accounts to bypass suspensions or bans.

Hacking and Fraud:

• Hacking attempts, fraud or activities that compromise the security of the system or users.

Civil Guarantees:

• I. A Citizen is henceforth defined as a Nation who either has, or has previously held residency in Roses Without Thorns or a sub-region for at least 7 days, and has either made a post on the RMB, or has proof of having voted on a legitimate and documented election in Roses Without Thorns since the 7th month of 2024, or is a WA member residing in the region.

• II. Citizen nations cannot be banned from the region without approval from the Founder or WA Delegate, whichever approves first, unless that action is overruled by the Founder.

• III. Citizen nations are expected to be informed of a post having been suppressed or deleted with a thorough explanation of why it was suppressed or deleted.

• IV. Political posts on the Roses Without Thorns Regional Message Board may be suppressed at any time for any reason a moderator with the proper authority sees fit, but must still inform the poster as to why.

• V. The Founder, the WA Delegate (If applicable), or any Officer may ban a Citizen nation if there is sufficient evidence to prove they may become a threat to the region or it’s residents in the imminent future, without the permission of anyone, such as in the event of a possible raid, or attempted coup.

• VI. No citizen nation may be denied access to any of Roses Without Thorns’ facilities based solely on their background, majority ethnicity, nationality or place of residency, their political affiliations (Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Fascists, Communists, Theocrats, Loyalists, Democrats, and so on), their financial status, their sexual interests, or their religion. This section may be added to, but not explicitly modified otherwise unless by request of Tyra melin.

• VII. The World Assembly Delegate should act as a sitting President to a Republic. As such, the only way they shall enter the position as a World Assembly Delegate should be through popular vote via World Assembly Endorsements. They cannot be removed from power unless they are exceeded by or matched in number of Endorsements with another nation, or have violated a rule that would justify a ban, kick, abdication or deposition.

• VIII. Puppet Nations are hereby defined as a Nation (account) of another pre-existing Nation, regardless of their region. A Puppet Nation recognized as associated with another account are not permitted to vote in Roses Without Thorns on official elections, nor enter a position with Embassy, Polls, Executive, or Border Control permissions, unless that puppet nation is operated by a used who controls a pre-existing nation in a separate region. Likewise, a resident nation of Roses Without Thorns cannot ever use it’s puppet nations to vote fraudulently in Elections or Polls. It is a banable offense.

Top Contributors: Brasienburg, XXURBANXX (Urbänia)
Revised by: XXURBANXX (Urbänia)
Nullified: 28 September, 2024

Read dispatch

This constitution was to my knowledge never used, as the views on this passage were around like 20-50 when I first saw it, which is quite low for a frontier as active as RWOT is. Lethinia and the main government did not act on this constitution either, which was my main point. A ton of these accusations would incriminate the whole region and all nations in it.

Every time I have said that I didn't want to liberate RWOT, I think there are more tbh:

Go on, libcord, try addressing this, and Bhang Bhang Duc, try justifying this as me defending a problematic region.


The Holy dystopia of Enzonar

