
by The Federation of Cannae. . 7 reads.

Military Doctrines

Cannae's military doctrines
Each division will have a officer that can teach the soldiers on how to fight specially in various environments. For example : Mountainous, Plains, Taigas, Jungles
Static lines
They must hold lines if the enemy makes the first move.
A Blitzkrieg of Our Own
We must make our own blitzkrieg if the enemy is too sloppy and we make the first move.
No Escape
Encircled enemies shall stay trapped as some troops from the frontlines move over to the light red bubble on the map and obliterate it.
Must not let a stalemate leave us in a halt. Air raid enemies and use the waters if necessary (or if the soldiers CAN...)
If we lose too much men because of the doctrines above (or below except doctrines related to supporting the troops and frontlines) we shall stalemate on purpose by building tons of triangle shaped bunkers along the border called "Tribunkers". Since the scientific advancement in Cannae is skyrocketing high, we can use to our advantage and build them quickly.
Live off the land
If supplies drain dry, we simply live of the land. If the enemy burns the food down, just use good ol' supplies.
Skeletonize Equipment
Useless parts of equipment will be repurposed for other soldiers that need it, increasing speed and squad speed.
