
by The Holy dystopia of Enzonar. . 7 reads.

Hemelbloeien Monster almanac

[background-block=#000533][size=270][colour=#1f7711][align=centre][b][font=courier]MONSTER DATABASE[/font][/b][/align]
[size=150][colour=#1f7711][b][font=courier]Habitat: North Mountain
Feeding Behaviours: Unconfirmed, however likely ranged
Congregation: Multiple, 3-19
Tracking: Vertical
Size: 500ft-? H, 500ft-? W, Wingspan unconfirmed
Presence: After natural disaster hits.
Spotted on East Valley, moves in packs of 3-19 and follows tornadoes, likely scavenging after. Subject found does not have much evidence at the moment aside from photo evidence, and sparse notes given by victim, found at disaster site.[/font][/b][/colour][/size][/box]

