Dispatch → Account → Military
Third Lejiran Border War
The Third Lejiran Border War, also known as the Third Lejiran-Thirana War, or alternatively as the Mad War, was a conflict in the long and well-documented violent struggle between Thiranaedh and Lejira.
Explain how the war obtained its name

The Maroon Cult of Thiyàdiynîc, a noble house whose seat was in the very mountains that bordered the triumphant Lejiran state, despaired at the current situation. Seeing the royal family of their southern rivals tour the soil that Okhéiae men and women bled for proved to be the final straw. In 1320, covert elements of the Maroon Cult crossed the frontier and assassinated Crown Prince Aszar and Princess Elyara. This shocked the reigning queen Samyra I so badly that she allegedly died of a broken heart.
Furious at the deaths of his mother and siblings, Queen Samyra I's second son Ousamane assumed power as king Ousamane I. King Ousamane immediately sent assassins to kill Archprincess ???. ???, who herself was in favour of rapprochement with the Lejirans, did not expect to be attacked, and was quickly overwhelmed and killed. This meant that the revanchist Thiyàdiynîcs, Thiranaedh's martial house, could ride on a public wave of anti-Lejiran sentiment with which they pulled power to themselves.
Thus, with the Maroon Cult facing off against a vengeful Ousamane I, the stage was set for yet another Lejiran border war.
Explain the events that led up to the war
Explain the progress of the war from start to finish, add smaller headings for each phase
Explain the aftermath of the war
Explain the political aftermath of the war
Explain the soldier's experiences and traumas of the war
Explain the economic effect of the war
Explain how the war is remembered today and it's legacy