
by The Grand Confederacy of Zolistecija and the Euqorijan Isles. . 44 reads.

DSA Foreign Policy Update: Nov. 2024-Jan. 2025 (English)

[centre][size=200][background=#8E0000][color=#FFFFFF][font=Georgia]▒░ [b]Democratic Socialist Assembly[/b] ░▒[/font][/color][/background][/size][/centre]
[centre][size=145][background=#8E0000][color=#FFFFFF][font=Georgia][u]✩ Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ✩[/u][/font][/color][/background][/size][/centre]

[centre][img view="standout border shadow"]https://i.imgur.com/bP6ysnc.png[/img][/centre]

[centre][size=135][font=Georgia][b][nation]Zolistecija and the Euqorijan Isles[/nation][/b][/font][/size][/centre]

[centre][size=115][font=Georgia]Prime Minister[/font][/size] [size=125][font=Georgia][b]Ajarma Vivííjato[/b][/font][/size][/centre]
[centre][size=115][font=Georgia]Deputy Prime Minister[/font][/size] [size=125][font=Georgia][b]Jobraqq Qaddii[/b][/font][/size][/centre]
[centre][size=115][font=Georgia]Minister of Zolisteči Parliament[/font][/size] [size=125][font=Georgia][b]Dezharmatt Pachaniij[/b][/font][/size][/centre]



[centre][size=135][font=Georgia][b]Foreign Policy Objectives[/b][/font][/size][/centre]
[centre][size=130][font=Georgia][b]November 2024 - January 2025[/b][/font][/size][/centre]

[list=1][font=Georgia][size=115][*][b]Strengthen our ties with current ally regions and recruit an Emergency Volunteer Force that is ever-present in the face of regional distress[/b] [i](i.e. raiding/invasions).[/i]
[list=i][*] The Minister of Foreign Affairs (Zolistečija) will conduct an official introductory speech for the DSA’s regional allies and ensure that all lines of communication are being held to and met at a high-standard. It is the responsibility of the MoFA to establish confidence within the DSA’s allied member regions & embassies, and also to maintain our prestigious influence by reminding our allies that we are always ready to aid & support them when needed.
[*] Zolistečija and the Euqorijan Isles would like to put forth an official proposal to establish an elite & experienced emergency taskforce for regional liberation & security purposes; Zolistečija nominates itself as a volunteer member. As such, the proposal suggests a recruitment of 20+ well-established and highly-experienced NationStates players that are willing to stand-by, poised and ready to advance when needed.

[*] Stated in the [i]Democratic Socialist Assembly’s Charter, Article 1, §1.1.8. (page 8)[/i]: [i][u]“The DSA's foreign policy is based upon a position of presumed neutrality. The DSA reserves the use of its regional defensive capabilities exclusively for the security of itself and its allies.”[/u][/i] Knowing this, the MoFA will maintain a position of neutrality unless the DSA and/or its allies are provoked. However, Zolistečija would like to recommend that the DSA firmly re-establish this position through active campaigning within the DSA itself & within allied member regions.

[tab=75] iii.i. Active campaigning will be conducive to advocating against policies aligned with: fascism, reactionary politics, imperialism, totalitarianism, far-right politics, and any ideology seeking to disassemble the core principles of democracy, equity, equality, solidarity, freedom, and socialism.[/tab]

[tab=75]iii.ii. Campaigning should also focus on support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Zolistečija would like to propose a monthly to bi-monthly operation to provide comprehensive lists of resources for professional services that aid LGBTQIA+ people on- and offline [i](e.g. mental health services, local shelters, foodbanks, etc.)[/i].[/tab]

[tab=75]iii.iii. Zolistečija proposes an additional effort to host a week-long interregional fundraiser for other charities and organizations. If accepted, Zolistečija will provide a dispatch with a comprehensive list of links and information. This could potentially help victims of natural disasters, financial distress, abuse, and a plethora of other issues that plague the world around us. [/tab][/list]

[*][b]Establish prerequisites & objective minimums for embassy relations after consultation with the WA Delegate/President, Secretary General, and other necessary channels.[/b]
[list=i][*] Per the [i]Democratic Socialist Assembly’s Charter, Article 1, §1.1.7. (page 8)[/i]: [i]“The DSA shall seek to extend relations between itself and other compatible regions and nations that reflect DSA Regional Principles and desire to build meaningful relationships with the DSA.”[/i]
[*] The MoFA would like to recommend adjusting the minimum residency requirement for incoming embassy requests from 100 nations to 50 nations. This will allow smaller, less privileged regions with shared ambitions to have leverage in the NationStates community and create safer spaces for players as a whole.
[*] Embassies within the D.S.A. that contain less than 100 nations are as follows: 
- [strike][b][region]Wintercrest[/region][/b] (88)[/strike]
- [b] [region]The Free Nations Region[/region][/b] (66) 
- [b][region]Merciam[/region][/b] (43)
- [b][region]Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force[/region][/b] (34) 
- [b][region]The Democratic Republic[/region][/b] (15)
[*] Embassies already accepted within the D.S.A. that contain less than 100 nations are exempt from minimum nation requirements.[/size][/font][/list]


[size=115][font=Georgia][b]Written and Officiated By:[/b][/font][/size] [size=115][font=Georgia][nation]Zolistecija and the Euqorijan Isles[/nation][/font][/size]

[size=115][font=Georgia][b]Date Authored:[/b][/font][/size] [size=115][font=Georgia]1 November 2024 [12:00 EST][/font][/size]

[size=115][font=Georgia][b]Last Edit/Edit Author:[/b][/font][/size] [size=115][font=Georgia]11 November 2024 [19:50 EST][/font][/size] / [size=115][font=Georgia][nation]Zolistecija and the Euqorijan Isles[/nation][/font][/size]
