
by The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater. . 128 reads.

TRTHNBB - Government Approval Results - October 2024

Government Approval Poll Results - October 2024

Happy October everyone,

I'm excited to bring you this month's edition of the Government Approval poll results! Thanks to Ardeyn, our Minister of Domestic Affairs, for putting the poll together.

Before I begin, I should mention that a couple of these officials have resigned, so we may not be seeing the most current info - these results are for early October, so Faralried was not yet the Minister of Foreign Affairs and New United Common-lands is still listed as the MoFA.

Without further ado, let's get right into it.

These are some big changes - I'd like to highlight a couple of the most significant ones:

Moving on, let's check out the vote tallies in more detail:

Unsurprisingly, Yodle's received a massive amount of 10/10 ratings. America the Greater saw similar results, with more than half of respondents rating his performance a 10. SidervidaII fell significantly behind her fellow officials, and I hope to discuss the reasons for this drop soon.

All things considered, these approval ratings are quite acceptable, but there is always more work to do.

We also received some comments from interested residents, and I'd like to mention a few of them here:

Thanks for reading this edition of our Government Approval Poll! Hope to see you soon with the next one :)

Poll created and distributed by Ardeyn, Minister of Domestic Affairs

Data collation and analysis by America the Greater, Prime Minister
