Dispatch → Factbook → Politics
Here's why you should vote me
Alright. I'm gonna try to be as respectful as political campaigning can get.Lets start off with the least likely,Roentgenia. You've barely been roleplaying for a few days, and with all due respect, I can't see you in charge of this region within this year. I do believe you have potential. Also, losing your password within a 3 day interval of your nation existing isn't the best look.
Then, heres a big candidate. Lunar sand. If you've seen the discord, his tone is not appreciated, at all. Not to mention the alts he made. Hadn't Mombombu (or in bk slang Monbuto) been so kind, I doubt you'd even be in this region.
Speaking of nations with criminal histories, lets talk about Bro Kinaba. I do believe they are the most dedicated nation to their roleplay here, but can you REALLY trust a nation who was BANNED from the World Assembly, AND the region itself?
Now lets talk about the past delegate, Mesothallania. You have great gall to talk about the duties of a WA Delegate, when nobody sees you fulfilling them, eh? You've done a lot for the community, but take a second to think "Why do the others call me inactive?".
I don't have much to say about Vaspartama. They've also had an issue with inactivity, and have according to my understanding, switched nations a lot of times, and have made multiple alts. I guess their roleplaying style is quite unique, but if you dislike the moderators, first think who could even do a better job than them? This is the best pool we'll get. And you really do a good job on defaming Bro Kinaba, I'm sure that will give you positive retention from all angles.
If you vote me for DELEGATE, you will have a fresh face with good roleplay, good activity and zero criminal record in charge. And if you have to ask for more, you might aswell ask all of NationStates for interviews. Being a delegate is not about roleplay capabilities or how long you've been in the region. It's about being a shining example for newcomers to the region, it's about establishing and improving foreign and internal relations above and beyond.
Bless the rains,