
by The Friendly Dictatorship of Tildurland. . 135 reads.

The Grand Coalition: Receiving Orders

During the 24 hours that N-Day lasts for, orders will periodically be shown on the region page. There will also be updates on the region's RMB whenever orders changed. If you wish, you can elect to be pinged in those posts, so that you can always be up to date with the latest orders.

[b]IMPORTANT: When several orders have been posted, ALWAYS follow the LAST ONE only.[/b]

[spoiler=Nations willing to be pinged]
[nation]Wisteria and Surrounding Territories[/nation]
[nation]Malyr and Haligovnia[/nation]
[nation]Japanese TacoMan[/nation]
[nation]New Temecula[/nation]
[nation]Nu Elysium[/nation]
[nation]Futurist State of Flassau[/nation]
[nation]Will Burtz[/nation]
[nation]Tyra Melin[/nation]
[nation]New Baltic States[/nation]
[nation]Sun Island[/nation]
