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Canon in D(etail)
This dispatch is a work in progress. Many thanks to The Holy Federated States of Washington-Columbia for inspiring this dispatch, to The Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn for introducing me to this type of dispatch, and to Llorens for providing me with an easy reference for NationStates policies.For the below contents of this dispatch, green text signifies that something is canon and red text signifies that something is not canon. Please note that, if an undesirable statistic is canon (e.g., charmlessness), that means that the measurement of the statistic that can be found here is canon, not that the quality itself is canon (e.g., the World Census (W.C.) reports that charmlessness is very low in Ineva; that is what should be considered canon, not that Ineva is charmless).
For a while, I have done my best to make statistics, policies, World Assembly classifications, etc. as realistic and canon as they can be. Unfortunately, however, due to the unforeseen obstacles that NationStates presents, and, in part, my necessity of challenging myself to not dismiss any issue I receive, my nation-state has been placed on a down-hill trajectory that I reckon may take many months to reconcile. So, I have done something I am admittedly not proud of: make this dispatch. Below, you will find everything canon and not canon regarding statistics, which are, by far, the most absurdly determined. Everything not mentioned here--including all policies listed under my nation-state's policies tab--is to be deemed canon. W.A. membership is also to be deemed canon, though W.A. classification is not canon. The canon W.A. classification is Corporate Bordello, as generously provided by Bilancorn.
Statistic | Notes |
Authoritarianism | Authoritarianism has always been historically low in Ineva due to her strong up-holding of political freedom and republicanism (little "r"). |
Average Disposable Income | Ineva is a prosperous nation-state, and, by extension, so are her citizens. |
Average Income | |
Average Income of Poor | |
Average Income of Rich | |
Averageness | Ineva is, indeed, not a very average nation-state. |
Black Market | Due to very few regulations on the gun and drug markets, there is not much a need for black markets to exist. Thus, the high black market statistic the W.C. currently reports is not canon. |
Business Subsidization | The Inevan government seldom invests in private industry--at least, not to the extent that the W.C. would lead you to believe. |
Charmlessness | Ineva is a very cultured, charming nation-state. |
Cheerfulness | Inevians tend to be very content with their lives. |
Civil Rights | Inevians enjoy a great variety of civil freedoms, and there are specific protections in place from the government, private entities, or other people infringing them. |
Compassion | What is said about Inevians regarding compassion is true: They do not, unfortunately, have much of it for strangers. For families and friends, very much, they are compassionate, but for strangers, it can more or less be described with the "I'm walkin' 'ere" meme about New Yorkers. |
Compliance | Inevians rarely find themselves in trouble with the law. The W.C. has this one wrong. |
Corruption | As the W.C. suggests, corruption among the Inevan government is considerably low. Signed, the Inevan government. |
Crime | Same with compliance, the W.C.-reported statistic is inaccurate in this case. Crime is not a significant problem in Ineva, partly because drugs are considered legal any-how, but also because of the general Inevan morale among the populace. |
Culture | Ineva is a very cultured nation-state. She fosters a fusion of Jewish, Mediterranean, Iberian, Amazigh, and Arabian cultures. |
Death Rate | Yeh, this is one that everyone in Forum 7 keeps reminding me of to make not canon... No, Inevians are some-what unhealthy (will be discussed soon), but not nearly to the degree that the W.C. suggests. |
Defence Forces | Indeed, due to her small size and highly sought after location, Ineva has a very formidable military and invests much into it. |
Eco-Friendliness | Ineva has been very environmentally cognizant since her origins, has consistently gained more trees than she has lost since 1997, and is actively investing in becoming carbon negative. |
Economic Freedom | While it is true that the economic freedom in Ineva is very high, it should be noted that the economy (1) is not laissez-faire and (2) is very strict regarding environmental regulations. |
Economy | |
Employment | The vast majority of Inevians able to work do so. There are government programmes that support introducing the homeless and poor to job opportunities and career paths. |
Environmental Beauty | As a near-Mediterranean archipelago, naturally (pun not initially intended but kept in because it made me chuckle), Ineva is, indeed, very environmentally beautiful. |
Food Quality | I mean, just look at where we are geographically. Of course we have great food. |
Foreign Aid | The Inevan government does not give much foreign aid to other countries, not because it is cold-hearted and unreceptive to its allies' needs, but because the Inevan government has a very limited budget and most foreign aid is sent via private non-profit organizations operating in Ineva. Among Ineva's most common recipients of foreign aid include Israel, Kurdistan, Ukraine, South Sudan, and Cyprus. |
Freedom From Taxation | See Taxation. |
Government Size | The Inevan government is not nearly as large as the W.C. would like you to believe. |
Health | While Inevians' health is not as high as other Western nation-states due to Ineva's reliance on imported packaged foods, it is not nearly as awful as the W.C. reports it to be. Ineva still scores well above the international average for this statistic. |
Human Development Index | |
Ideological Radicality | This really comes down to what you perceive as ideologically radical. To some, Ineva will appear as the most radical nation-state they have ever seen. To others, they will feel that she is not yet nearly radical enough. |
Ignorance | Inevians are often very well-educated and attuned to the happenings around them, nationally, and internationally. |
Inclusiveness | Despite her religiousness, Ineva is a generally very inclusive nation-state, including but not limited to sexual preference, age, sex, race, ethnicity, and nationality. As prominent TripAdvisor reviewer Daniel Maharam commented on Ineva in his review of Ashvekov, "I have found through-out my journey that Inevians are equally rude to everyone." |
Income Inequality | |
Industries (all) | |
Influence | While Ineva does have moderate influence with-in MENA, she does not typically exercise much influence within Western Europe and the rest of the world. |
Integrity | |
Intelligence | In addition to being well-educated, Inevians tend to do decently well--compared to their geographical region, at least--with I.Q. tests, with the average Inevian scoring a 96,8 with-out much a distinction present in scores by sex. |
International Artwork | |
Law Enforcement | |
Lifespan | No, the average lifespan in Ineva is not comparable to that of the Mongol Empire; it is ~79,8 years, meaning that, while lower than Ineva's close European neighbors, it is still higher than its North African ones and countries such as the United States. |
Niceness | This has, I reckon, been covered enough... |
Nudity | Maybe Inevians are a bit too cheeky... Regardless, no laws restrict the lack of personal attire when in public. |
Obesity | While obesity is considerably higher than the international average, it is not as high as Nauru or the like. Currently, Ineva sits at a ranking of #40 compared to other countries regarding obesity, with ~33,06% of Inevan adults being obese (BMI≥30). |
Pacifism | While Ineva is very defensive of her territory and her allies, she tries to be as generous and respectful as she can be when addressing matters of international diplomacy. |
Patriotism | This is generally difficult to gauge, but most non-government estimates support that many Inevians are proud of their nationality and home-land. |
Political Apathy | Inevians are very politically involved; in fact, news stations typically see the highest viewership among television stations. |
Political Freedom | |
Population | As of 2020, the population of Ineva was 11,12 million, placing it in the #85 spot compared to other world countries. |
Primitiveness | |
Public Education | Most education is federally funded; rather, most is provincially and locally funded. Private schools and home schooling are also permitted through-out the nation-state, though not often as popular. Universities function similarly. |
Public Healthcare | What was true for Public Education also applies to Public Healthcare. |
Public Transport | Unlike Public Education and Healthcare, Public Transportation is federally funded under the environmental budget. It also receives provincial and local funding. |
Recreational Drug Use | Cannabis and nicotine are the most common drugs of choice. |
Religiousness | Ineva is very, very devout, being home to many Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze, non-believing, and myriad others. |
Residency | |
Rudeness | |
Safety | Ineva is generally very safe. Crimes--especially violent and more serious ones--are rare occurrences. |
Scientific Advancement | Ineva is is very scientifically advanced in many different fields, including many Earth and biological sciences. |
Sectors (all) | |
Secularism | Atheists, agnostics, and non-believing individuals make up the smallest religious demographic in Ineva, comprising just 0,6% (~70.000 Inevians) of the Inevan population. |
Social Conservatism | |
Taxation | After months, the Inevan government has finally got this down. Woohoo! |
Tourism | Ineva attracts many different tourists from countries all round the globe, though, namely, France, the United States, Spain, Israel, Germany, Portugal, and myriad others. |
Wealth Gaps | |
Weaponization | Many Inevians carry for the sole purpose of self-defence. |
Weather | Despite Inevan weather generally being very forgiving, when natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes) hit, they hit hard. |
Welfare | Like with Public Education and Healthcare, welfare is often only provincially and locally funded. Many non-profit organizations also exist to contribute to welfare. Welfare is most commonly allotted to the disabled, homeless, new mothers, addicted, and elderly. |
World Assembly Endorsements | Ineva has gained recognition from many countries, though many of those that do not recognize Israel do not recognize Ineva, neither. |
Youth Rebelliousness | Like crime, youth rebelliousness is not nearly as common as the W.C. sees it be. |