
by The Holy dystopia of Enzonar. . 82 reads.


[align=center][color=maroon][b]CURRENT RESEARCH[/b][/color][/align]
[color=#1e3f7f][floatleft][box][background=#222222]The mass is currently deactivated and under protection, and further research is denied.
The mass is currently the largest known organism in Parallel 001 Alpha, and is dormant currently with some levels of neural activity shown by scanners. It affects most photography, however certain methods such as using a ink printer or using a developing camera can be used to take photos, however due to the location it is in, it is difficult to do so with these kinds of cameras, and the only clear images we have are from security bunker cameras displaying it. It seems to have gathered a perimeter and landed on earth at 07:00 am. Is known to secrete corrosive resin that seeds trees with human skin, an unknown chitin and pumps a white, silky nectar through the rest of the area. Currently, the mountains it is inhabiting are filled with snow, and the resin has contaminated most of the area, creating a lake of nectar which restores youth but causes massive tooth like growths to enter your body. THe teeth seem to be flat on the side, and does not give the host any other characteristics. The other symptoms related are very minor at the moment however most people in our asylum from interacting with the mass have been contained and has reported seeing the inside of their heads, with perfect clear vision. There is a lack of odour that comes from the nectar however the rest of the air seems to have turned thick and there seems to be a thicker variation of air around the mass.[/background]

[background=#222222]The mass shown in this picture seems to be either the whole part, but perceived as smaller. The actual location of the mass behind the mountains is unclear, as it could be either directly behind or on top of the mountains or nearly 13000 km away from it. A construct that has siphoned the aurora is nearly opposite of where it is taken, which suggests that it is much bigger than initially thought. Currently there exists a lack of actual substance from the mass despite how prevalent it is. The organisms and pathogens formed from the nectar seem to be either humanoid with fully covered skin for their body with a few bones and ribs sticking out, a 6 legged animal which acts similar to a dolphin, but acts incredibly hostile towards Auroran fleets, and a third version which is a three armed bipedal who's pear-shaped body grows larger from the bottom and condenses as you reach the top. The head is a twisted amalgamation between a narwhal with a mutated human bone instead of a tusk, with nearly 16 different joints with no real function, which make the end look essentially like a broccoli or a cauliflower. It is unknown where they are actually produced, and we are contemplating sending submersibles down into the nectar lakes to find out where it is being produced. The nectar lake from different radio emitters has a tube, nearly 10 feet long and fifty feet wide, connect to something via the roots, which has created a debate on whether the nectar was creating the roots and just derived from the mass, or if the roots are there to collect nectar. There is also an ongoing wide speculation about the nectar always being inside the earth, but it is unconfirmed, as there is very little we can do currently to analyze without being stopped by certain nations such as other nations currently occupying the abandoned planet. The lack of research has also made Kors contemplate sending envoys to certain nations with claim onto this earth, that currently possesses half of a jupiter mass and also requires advanced walking areas and tight colony ships that are under constant compression due to the increased pressure of the gravity and the radiation the mass creates. The planet has seen to read as pure red on a geiger counter and any contact with any of these areas is possibly more radioactive than some completely melted planets. The earth is currently being named Eraben, after a known comrade of the Korsian military. The threat this planet currently has is possibly requiring of complete containment and segregation to make sure the planet is solitary and impossible to reach by anybody except for the second foreign nation we currently are working with to quarantine and lockdown. The planet shown has similarities and is almost as dangerous as planet 2.[/background][/box][/floatleft][floatright][box][size=200][b]Statistic:[/b][/size]
Height: 15km-200km
Length: 50km-5000km
Weight: unknown, immesurable as the size and density of the mass is very hard to measure
Appearance: Large, pale in complexion, flat (500m thickness to 2.7km thickness)
Threat level: Unknown, up to A11
Known hosts: Unknown
Influence: Omnipotent/Abrahamic
Anomaly type: Still in process


The mass has previously been hurtling towards a space time barrier which Kors followed him into. The mass has been travelling at a consistent speed for nearly 10 decades before landing on Eraben, with a group of space constructs that are leading it to Eraben.

The mass is currently known to be a temporal information disruption, as it borrows certain aspects from genetic programming machines that have ran the circuit. Usually cancers from the circuit are dispatched very quickly without much resistance, which means that if this were the case, there is a much more potent version of the circuit.

The mass currently has its own army of colonies, which it is sending to other nations and this would possibly be a breach, however colonies don't share the mass's genetics other than nectar.

Current resemblance to a known subject from an old universe nation.

Known to travel at insane speeds when active

Has been confirmed to share traits with another anomaly from the Elgyem corporation, known as 30031, also known as STEM

Stem is currently uncontained and Elgyem believes it is lost in the temporal vortex.

The last known experiment using clones was closed on septembre 18th, 50035, when they brought back the first god which had completely destroyed the corporation.

Kors is currently in possession of the first god and V has laplacial characteristics, which make it essentially able to predict the mass's formation, however due to its nature and the fact that it has entered multiple universes, disrupting the laplace stasis that allows laplaces to predict futures.

As it stands, the mass has wiped up to 20% of the entered universe and is possibly able to wipe nearly all of it if it ever grows. There is an area filled with contagens near the contorting gate, where Kors and the mass entred 001 ALPHA PRIME from.

Do not go near the contorting gate, as it is long lost.[/color][/background-block]
