
by The Libertarian-Conservative of Federal Republic of Serov. . 76 reads.

Serovski Civil War


National Republic of Serov

Leader: Stanislav Euler

Ideology: Serovski National-Libertarianism
Map color: Navy Blue
PS: 30%
MS: 44%

People's Republic of Vostochnyslavia

Leader: Mikhail Konig

Ideology: Marxism-Leninism
Map color: Red
PS: 4%
MS: 0%

The Black Army

Leader: Unkown

Ideology: Anarcho-Communism
Map color: Dark Red
PS: 3%
MS: 0%

Federal Government of Serov

Leader: Niina Orlova

Ideology: Centrism
Map color: Light Blue
PS: 11%
MS: 30%

Paternal Republic of Serov

Leader: Valentin Morozov

Ideology: Morozovian Conservatism
Map color: Dark Blue
PS: 19%
MS: 12%

Federal Republic of Serov

Leader: Alice Levin

Ideology: Right-Libertarianism
Map color: Yellow
PS: 23%
MS: 8%

Kingdom of the Serovski and Russiya

Leader: Alina Serova

Ideology: Libertarian Monarchism
Map color: Purple
PS: 10%
MS: 7%

Serovski Armed Forces

Leader: Kathrine McCarthy

Ideology: Military Junta
Map color: Tan

Current map (8/26/2024):

Past Maps:

Timeline of Major Events

8/22/2024 - Civil War begins
8/23/2024 - E empire of the setting sun declares support for the National Republic of Serov (The nationalists) page=rmb/postid=56737807
- Kelvenya sends supplies to the Armed Forces of Serov (The Military) and troops as well
8/26/2024 - The Nationalists, Libertarians, and Federal Government begin the Battle of Minsk
- The Morozovians in the Northeast join the Nationalists
- Popular and Military support for the Nationalists increases after the military receives Kelvenyan aid, including the military in the East joining the Nationalists
- The Monarchists and An-Coms advance against the Federal Government in the East, and the Monarchists advance towards Moscow.
- The Military gains land against the Nationalists, Libertarians, and Communists in the West.
