
by The Federal Republic of Zanarkandia. . 16 reads.

What is Zanarkandia?

Zanarkandia is an island country located in the Adzkhri RP region. The Zanarkian archipelago is composed by a main island, a few other smaller islands and a hell lot of even smaller islands. White Harbor functions as its capital: this city is the political and trade center of the nation. Zanarkandia is dived into three highly autonomous regions: Karibia, Susia and Lyzania and the Special City-State of White Harbor that functions as capital. Zanarkandia is a volcanic island: terrain is particularly plain and forested alongside the coast and mountainous towards the center.

The first inhabitants of the island are believed to be arrived and settled alongside the coast thousands of years ago. Zanarkandia appears mentioned for the first time in a book from the Aspenite Empire circa the year 120, although its name was not Zanarkandia, but the aspenites referred to it as "the extremely white people and weirdly shaped island that’s really far away from us”. It’s not until the year of 552 when the first kingdom is formed in the island and by the 900s Zanarkandia is ruled by several warlords that control key territories and constantly wage war against each other. By the year 1134 most of Zanarkandia was controlled by the Karibia dynasty ruled by Ado Karibia whom proclaimed himself as emperor. Although Ado Karibia became emperor of the Empire, he was not able to enforce his rule and the regional warlords kept fighting each other for territory and resources.

Only in the year 1564 the great general Zanar Zaniros waged civil war against the imperial court. His unmatched military knowledge and skill granted him victory. Under his rule the country was named after him as he became the most beloved leader of the history; he implemented severe integrationist legislation, strengthened centralized government, developed law and ethics, introduced education and land redistribution, supported farmers, merchants and artist. Science, culture and economy saw an unprecedented level of growth, the island was in peace and everyone was smiley and happy. Zanar Zaniros lived to the age of 94 and ruled the nation for 41 years until its death. Many considered him a semi-god for his proficiency in pretty much all subjects under the sky and his handsome appearance that he kept until his death, even rising rumors about immortality and divinity. He was killed in his sleep by one of his many wives without ever being capable throughout his life of conceiving an heir. This period is known as the Golden Age of Zanar.

Following Zanar Zaniros's death Zanarkandia was already a cultured, sophisticated and well developed society that was not inclined to engage in military conflicts anymore to resolve disputes. After many days of constant arguing it was decided to peacefully transition the country’s government to a Republic.

By the year 1789 Zanarkandia was considered a highly developed country and a trade hub for the world due to its great geographical position.

During the early 1900's communist ideas started gaining ground in some sectors of the Zanarkian society. Although it was never really popular amongst the people, in the year 1937 a prominent lawyer exiled for treason called Cidel Fastro launched an armed expedition and hid amongst the mountains after disembarking in the island. After two years of clashes, a poor performance from the republican armed forces and the incompetence of the republican government allowed him to siege and conquer the capital, seizing control over the nation.

Under Cidel Fastro's rule all political parties except the Communist Party were outlawed, any kind of dissent was responded with brutality and imprisonment and food was rationed to all citizens. In the lapse of seven years every aspect of the country was destroyed and only the Fastro family and its friends were able to live a luxurious life while the people suffered from famines, diseases and homelessness. During his rule Zanarkians were not able to leave their country. An estimate of 79.000 zanarkians were killed by the government while trying to escape from the island in improvised rafts.

The day of Cidel Fastro's death all his family members escaped the country alongside important generals and officials leaving Zanarkandia with no actual government. For eight days the people took the streets in complete and absolute anarchy until a civilian junta was formed to restore republican government. As a consequence of this period all leftist ideologies were banned from ever being expressed.

As of today Zanarkandia is a Federal Republic and thrives for perfection every day.
