Dispatch → Meta → Reference
For personal reference only. Or, I suppose you can read it, but, none of it is canon, so, why waste your time?Is World Assembly (W.A.) classification canon? Yes, and I do not plan to change that. So long as the classification is not "Anarchy" or some form of dictatorship, the W.A. classification is to be deemed canon.
Is W.A. membership canon? Yes, and I do not plan to change that. Refer here for an in-depth explanation as to why the Inevan government chooses to be part of the W.A.
Government Policy | Canon? | Notes |
Autocracy | No, and I do not plan to change that. | If you would like to see how Ineva's system of government actually works, please refer here. |
Theocracy | No, and I do not plan to change that. | If you would like to know why Ineva is called theocratic despite not being so, please refer to response #1 found here. |
Monarchy | No, and I do not plan to change that. | |
Feudalism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | |
Devolution | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Towns, cities, and provinces have a great deal of local power delegated to them by the federal government. |
State Press | No, and I do not plan to change that. | The freedom of the press is guaranteed by Ineva's Constitution. |
Public Protest | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Public protest is, like-wise, guaranteed by Ineva's Constitution. Here is one such instance of how it is protected. |
No Dissent | No, and I do not plan to change that. | As mentioned before, the right to public protest is protected, as is dissent in general. |
Sortition | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Politicians are elected in Ineva, not chosen at whim. Unless the electorate chooses to elect its politicians at whim, in which case... |
Pledge of Allegiance | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Freedom of speech and freedom from speech are protected in Ineva. Silence is also a right. |
Proportional Representation | No, and I do not plan to change that. | While proportional representation (equal weight for each vote) was the status quo for quite some time, an electoral college of sorts has been restored, meaning that Mapah is finally not over-shadowed by the political strong-hold that was Zion Hadash. |
Native Representation | No, and I do not plan to change that. | So long as a naturalized citizen makes Ineva his/her permanent country of residence and has lived in the country for at least one full election cycle, (s)he is free to run for and hold political office. |
Term Limits | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Each elected official--including Ministers and Vice Ministers of all Inevan ministries--may only occupy the same elected position for a maximum of two terms / ten years. |
Society Policy | Canon? | Notes |
Marriage Equality | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | So long both individuals are of age and consent, Inevians may marry whomever they want, regardless of sex and sexual preference. |
No Marriage | No, and I do not plan to change that. | |
Permanent Marriage | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | It should be noted that this only applies to government records. Married individuals may still apply for split or full custody, request alimony, and leave to seek other romantic partners. However, divorce and marriage with a future partner(s) are thus impossible in the legal sense. |
Heterosexuality | No, and I do not plan to change that. | In Ineva, partaking in a heterosexual relationship is an option, not a requirement. |
Polygamy | No, and I do not plan to change that. | As mentioned previously, government records will only reflect the first person one marries. Any person with whom a person engages in a serious, romantic relationship after that is never reflected on government documents; thus, only monogamy is legally possible, though dating multiple people at once is legal. |
No Adultery | No, and I do not plan to change that. | The reason why the "No Adultery" policy is not canon is the same reason why the "Polygamy" policy is not canon. |
Atheism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | ...come on. |
No Contraception | No, and I do not plan to change that. | While contraception in general is not banned, it is regulated. Contraceptive birth control that kills a diploid, zygotic cell(s), or anything greater is not permitted. |
No Abortion | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Like-wise, while abortion is not banned, it is regulated. Please refer here for a deeper dive and an opportunity to down-flag my take. |
Geronticide | No, and I do not plan to change that. | There is no explanation needed. None. |
Euthanasia | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | This is solely reserved for those who suffer from a terminal, physical affliction(s) (e.g., late-stage cancer). |
Compulsory Organ Harvesting | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Inevians are given the option to donate their bodies to medicine and/or science, but they are never required. |
Vat-Produced Infants | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Not as bad as geronticide, but... neh. |
A.I. Personhood | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Those who have no souls have no say. |
Vegetarianism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Each Inevian is welcome to be vegetarian, but is not required to be so. |
Parental Licensing | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Parental screening is only required for foster care and adoption. Birth children naturally conceived require no parental license(s) to be had. |
Child Self-Rearing | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Typically, Inevians prefer their children alive. |
Body Integrity | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Piercings and circumcision are permitted with-in Ineva. |
Prudism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Inevians are free to where what they like. |
Nudism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Again, Inevians are free to where what they like. |
No Sports | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Sports are not generally popular in Ineva, but no Inevian will be arrested for watching a football match. |
Sex Education | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Sex education is optional, and students and their parents are free to opt them out of courses pertaining to sexual topics. Sex education, however, is offered in most all schools. |
No Smoking | No, and I do not plan to change that. | |
No Zoos | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | When it comes to Mother Nature, Ineva does her best to stay completely neutral, and to minimize man's adverse effects on the environment. One way of doing this is by banning zoos, which harm natural selection, biologically weaken animals, and make their lives unnaturally miserable. |
Law & Order Policy | Canon? | Notes |
Capital Punishment | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Criminals who commit crimes that involve the deliberate taking of one's life or worse are often punished with Capital Punishment. |
Corporal Punishment | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Corporal Punishment is used for the "or worse" crimes referenced in the "Capital Punishment" section. This includes rape, terrorism, treason, espionage, murder, crimes against humanity, and pedophilia. |
Human Sacrifice | No, and I do not plan to change that. | It should be noted that, following the Inevan Constitutional Court's decision in 2009's Singh v. The Theocratic Republic of Ineva, the Jain practice of sallekhanā is legal through-out the nation. |
Conscription | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Conscription has never officially been enforced by the Inevan government, though it was for the first two years ofIneva being an Israeli colony. |
No Judiciary | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Judicial matters are under-taken by the Inevan Ministry of Judicial Powers (I.M.J.P.), with two federal courts of note: The Inevan Court of the Constitution (I.C.C.) and the Inevan Court of Appeal (I.C.A.). Sometimes, the former is simply referred to as the Inevan Constitutional Court, and both are collectively referred to as the Courts. |
Gun Control | No, and I do not plan to change that. | The right to arm is protected by the Inevan Constitution. |
Gun Ownership | No, and I do not plan to change that. | The right not to arm is equally protected by the Inevan Constitution. No one is required to own a gun. |
Curfew | Yes, and I do plan to change that. | Still waiting for the repeal issue... One of these months, it will come. |
No Prison | No, and I do not plan to change that. | We like our rapists and murderers not out on the streets, thank you very much. |
State Surveillance | No, and I do not plan to change that. | While it would be great at stopping crime, the Inevan government does not intend to use 1984 as a manual. |
D.N.A. Harvesting | No, and I do not plan to change that. | There are strict parameters and regulations regarding what can and cannot be done with human D.N.A. D.N.A. harvesting is not permitted under those parameters and regulations. |
I.D. Chips | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Again, Ineva is not trying to win any race to the bottom here. |
Economy Policy | Canon? | Notes |
Socialism | No, and I do not plan to change that. | It is common belief among Inevians that socialism would grant the federal government too much power and control over their every-day lives, so capitalism, a more economically liberal ideology, is in place. |
Capitalism | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | The Inevan economy is not laissez-faire; most Inevians are actually against such idea. However, private enterprise dominates the economy, and there are fewer business regulations than more, so the Inevan economy is, by nature, capitalist. |
A.I. Planning | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Artificial intelligence is not entrusted with something as crucial to Ineva as her economy. |
Child Labor | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | By NationStates standards, Ineva does allow child labor. Children may start working as young as fifteen years of age. |
Maternity Leave | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | At the Inevan government's behest, all businesses employing new and/or expecting mothers are strictly required by law to allow them to take maternity leave while being paid like regular employees. An Inevan mother can expect immunity from job termination and a consistent pay-cheque as soon as she notifies her employer of the pregnancy, as well as six months after delivery of the child. |
No Computers | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Too many Inevians play NationStates for anyone to get behind this. |
Universal Health Care | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Health-care is fully privatized, meaning that it is provided by the private sector and not the Inevan government. However, there exist government-sponsored insurance plans to help the financially misfortunate access health-care at an affordable rate. |
No Internet | No, and I do not plan to change that. | See "No Computers." |
Cannabis | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Cannabis is fully legalized and decriminalized, both in private and public. There are no restrictions on cannabis, medicinal or recreational. |
No Drugs | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Drugging is only not permitted while pregnant or for those who have under 20 years of age. |
No Automobiles | No, and I do not plan to change that. | While Ineva does value the environment very dearly and uses alternative forms of transportation when-ever possible, she has not yet achieved a stage where a ban on autos would be practical for the Inevan populace. |
Slavery | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Unpaid labor is only sometimes tolerated in prisons and for those in debt. Slavery as a general economic practice is not permitted. |
Prohibition | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Similar to drugs, alcohol is permitted with-in the same parameters (not pregnant and of age). |
Autarky | No, and I do not plan to change that. | While Ineva does strive for economic self-sufficiency, the Inevan government does not penalize employers or traders who seek to work out-side of the country, as any archipelago in Ineva's location would find it nearly impossible or at the very least unfeasible to steadfastly engage in such a pursuit. |
Affirmative Action | No, and I do not plan to change that. | The answer to discrimination is not discrimination. |
No Gambling | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Gambling is a major aspect of Ineva's touristic appeal; banning it would be economic suicide. |
No Video Games | No, and I do not plan to change that. | See "No Internet." |
No Nuclear Power | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Nuclear power is a big and growing source of Inevan energy, and it is one way in which Ineva plans to achieve carbon negativity in the near future. |
Nuclear Power | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | As mentioned before, nuclear power is an important aspect of Ineva's energy structure, and Ineva is slowly making her way over from nuclear fission- to nuclear fusion-derived energy. |
Space Programme | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Ineva does not run a government-funded space programme, as this domain is often handled by the private sector--with stringent regulation, of course. In lieu of this, the government does fund public meteorological initiatives to keep Inevians freely up-dated about weather events. |
No Aircraft | No, and I do not plan to change that. | |
Metricism | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. |
International Policy | Canon? | Notes | |
Weapons of Mass Destruction | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Ineva possesses weapons of mass destruction solely for the purpose of self-defence, and hopes to never have to use them. | |
No WMDs | No, and I do not plan to change that. | ||
Climate Treaty | Yes, and I do not plan to change that. | Ineva is a strong believer in environmental preservation, so she is a signatory to numerous international climate treaties. | |
No Immigration | No, and I do not plan to change that. | Foreigners may go through the customary naturalization process to gain unrestricted Inevan citizenship. | |
No Emigration | No, and I do not plan to change that. | So long as they file the appropriate documents with the Inevan government and have garnered no travel restrictions (e.g., out-standing warrants), Inevians are free to travel, move to other countries, apply for VISAs, and apply for dual citizenship. |
Statistics and what-not will be reflected here soon. This dispatch is a work in progress. Many thanks to The Holy Federated States of Washington-Columbia for inspiring this dispatch, to The Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn for introducing me to this type of dispatch, and to Llorens for providing me with an easy reference for NationStates policies.