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On this day, July 30th, 2045, meeting in Althior, the heads of states of Droiden, Esilyra, and
The Ruby Ranch Republic each have agreed to a pact of unconditional non-aggression, and have declared a state of alliance between themselves. Hereby to be deemed the "Althior Accords," the following shall be declared:
- Article I:
The nations signatory to this treaty shall, in times of war, assist one another and shall not enter into a state of war within one another. This assistance shall be in the form of military aid, in the form of popular aid, and in the form of medical aid.
The nations signatory to this treaty shall treat an attack on one as an attack on all to ensure that members are properly defended.
Hereby declared,
Eirik II Kjaer-Rostochen-Furton
Valek I Wilhelm von Holstein-Schau
Orianne I Levasseur-Delacroix