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Ingvar Noregaard

From Droidenpedia, the Droidenian Encyclopaedia

TRH Ingvar Valdemar Noregaard
Noregaard Ingvar Ibsónnur

38th Prime Minister of Droiden
Forsætisráðherra Droiðenska

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Full Name:

Ingvar Ibsónnur Noregaard

Birth date:

24th November 2000 (aged 48)

Place of birth:

Kalmar, Kingdom of Sweden, Kongurrikki Droiðenska


Ortodokskirkere Droidenska (Droidenian Orthodox Church)

Spoken Languages:

Droidenian, Hanseatic German


Prime Minister of Droiden
Assumed office 14 March 2044
- Monarch: Eirik II
- Preceded by: Peter Darmstadt
- Deputy: Ingebjorg Rasmussen

Party Affiliation:

Christian Democratic Party/Ðet Fólke-Truaróm (FTR)

Marital status:



Anne-Ilsa Noregaard (nee Borg), m. 2030



"I would not oppose utilizing nuclear energy. It could create more job opportunities, it would power Droiden more cleanly, and it would prove that it can be done. - Noregaard, speaking with Peter Thalmann, leader of the Nuclear Energy Party

Prime Minister Ingvar Noregaard (Droidenian: Noregaard Ingvar Ibsónnur; Ingvar Valdemar Dan Leif Bjorn, born 24 November 2000) is the 38th and current Prime Minister of Droiden, and the leader of the Droidenian Christian Democratic Party since 2036. He served as the Leader of the Opposition from 2036-2044, serves as MP of Kalmar South, and served as Interim Minister of Culture during the 2036 Restoration Period.

Ingvar was born in a working-class household in 2000, he attended Kalmar Boys' School. When he was 12, his family moved to the south side of Kalmar, where he attended Kalmar South Public School. He finished school with high marks, and was slated to attend the University of Riga before the Syndicalist Revolution. He served in the Syndicalist military from 2021-2024, as five year service for young men was mandatory under the regime, though he was discharged due to injury. During the 2036 Restoration, he officially surrendered to the 501st Battalion, which was led by Crown Prince Leif, and joined the Battalion during the Battle of Tallinn.


Early Life

Ingvar Noregaard was born on 24 November 2000 to Siv (Nee Olavsson), a baker, and Ib Noregaard, a government secretary. He was the eldest of three children, and as his parents had to work tough hours, he found himself taking care of his younger siblings when his parents could not. Prior to the revolution, his mother was a liberal party supporter, and his father was a supporter of the Syndicalists, likely due to his distant relation to Deputy Leader Haakon Noregaard. His father's extreme political views caused Noregaard's parents to split when he was ten, sharing custody of the children. The couple reunited in 2012, which Noregaard stated was "odd at first, but it felt like old times."

Noregaard attended Kalmar Boys School until he was twelve, where he achieved top marks among his classmates. Some of his classmates included Peter Darmstadt, the preceding Prime Minister and a close friend of Noregaard, Anders Lauritsson, the drummer for Pomeranian metal band Shadow Cabinet, and Edgar Grave, notable pundit for Sentinel Sports F1. Noregaard recalls this time fondly, stating "I was friendly with Peter, but we never quite could see eye to eye. Anders was always banging on things, and Edgar always did the midday announcements. It seems we all ended up where we belong." When his family moved to the south side of Kalmar, he attended Kalmar South Public School, graduating in the top ten per cent of his class. He met Aleksandria Thurmann during this time, who he would date throughout his time in the military, before separating in 2027. He passed his General Application of Knowledge Exams (GAKEs) with flying colors in all subject areas except for science, but still was accepted to the University of Riga for 2020, but the revolution prevented him from attending.

Military Service and Later Education

On 27 January 2021 the Syndicalist Government implemented a policy of conscription, and called upon Noregaard to serve in the Droidenian Worker's Air Force. He went reluctantly, as he had longed to escape to his studies, but did not want to be prosecuted for avoidance of service. He spent nine weeks in Hell, Norway, where he would complete basic training. He was assigned to a position in Riga, where he had longed to go to school, but was not permitted to take classes. He served as an engine serviceman and paratrooper, participating in training drills meant to simulate an invasion of Royalist Finland. During one of these drills in 2023, he would break his ankle and right leg when his primary parachute failed and he had to direct his landing towards a sloped hill using his reserve. He was lucky enough to be travelling with the slope, and landed in a large snowdrift, before hitting the large tree that caused the injury. He remained upside down in the snow for 34 minutes, and nearly died. Thanks to his geo-locator, which was sewn into the lining of his uniform, he was able to be recovered. He spent roughly a year in recovery, and was officially discharged.

After leaving the Worker's Air Force, he attended the University of Riga for six years starting in 2024 to study politics, something he had always maintained an interest in. He attained a master's degree in political science with a minor in history. Noregaard stated after the Restoration that: "It was a good time at University. I learned quite a lot about political systems, including the nature of the Syndicalist government. Something I always maintained was faith that there was a better future ahead." During his time at the University of Riga, he made contact with old friend Peter Darmstadt, and met his wife Anne-Ilsa. He also, secretly, returned to the Orthodox Church while in University, going to hear divine liturgy and take communion under the guise of it being an analytical club. He graduated in 2030 at the top of his class.

After graduating, he joined the Syndicate of Arts as a historian and museum curator in his hometown of Kalmar. He stood for election in 2034, though was defeated by 5,000 votes.

The Kjaersgaard Restoration

"I saw the [Imperial Standard] and I knew I'd be safe if I surrendered. I'd stripped down to my underclothes so as to not be shot, and I officially became a revolutionary for the first time in my life. Not quite what the Syndicalists likely had in mind." - Noregaard, on his experience in surrendering to Royalist Forces on 28 June 2036.

On the morning of 28 June, Noregaard recalls waking up to the sound of planes overhead. He headed outside to see several paratroopers dropping from the sky with the Imperial Standard. When the group landed, he made his way over to them with several other people who had decided to surrender to them. After the death of Felix Juul, and the Syndicalist government officially fell, he registered as a temporary paratrooper in the 501st. During the Battle of Tallinn, he marched with the 501st to liberate the Estonian Syndicate. After the full liberation of the nation and the coronation of Eirik II, he reformed the Christian Democratic Party, which attained the second-most seats in the 2036 Restoration General Elections. His constituency, Kalmar South, elected him with an outright majority. He became the Leader of the Opposition on 01 September, 2036.

Leader of the Opposition

"I have full faith in my friend and rival, Peter Darmstadt, and his party. We will be a loyal opposition." - Ingvar Noregaard in his concession speech, 2036.

During his time as Leader of the Opposition, he was a notorious opponent of the National Security Bill, stating that it was "a tyrannical foray into violating the principles of the Great Edict." He voted for the measure, however, as a show of condemnation of the Syndicalist regime. Throughout his tenure, he worked with Prime Minister Darmstadt in order to ensure peace within the nation. He did, however, vote against several key acts which were posed by both the Sovereignty Party and others:



Party Proposing

CUT Act (An Act to Decrease Public Spending


Sovereignty Party

Iceland Integration Act


Icelandic Integration Party

MARRY Act (An act to legally define marriage)


Integralist Party

Term Limits Act*


The Greens

Transferrable Vote Act


The Greens

Salary Act


Integralist Party

*Voted in favor of a later rendition

During the 2037 Security Crisis, he took action on the home front whilst the Sovereignty Party conducted an investigation. He supported curfews and rationing, though felt it was "not enough in the wake of such a gruesome attack." In 2040, he issued his "Critical Support" for the official re-establishment of the Althior Stock Exchange, citing it as a "decisive blow against austerity, but a slippery slope into profit-before-people thinking." In 2043, he began talks with the Green Party's Leader, Miska Heiskanen, about a multi-partisan deal favoring green energy. In 2044, after snap elections were announced showing an increasing trend towards his party, Noregaard was elected Prime Minister on 14 March 2044.

Prime Minister

"It is time for a new government. It is time for Droiden to move forward." - Ingvar Noregaard in his address to the press, 2044.

After ascending to premiership in 2044, his first move was to meet with Kongur Eirik II, who confirmed his rise to the role of Prime Minister. After, he moved into 18 Amaliegade and met with the press for his first speech. He then made several phone calls to the high nobility, and met with the Minister of Defense in order to determine a way forward in regard to Droiden's fight against global syndicalism.

His economic policy is built on the "Nordic Model," which exchanges great welfare subsidies in exchange for high taxes. He has supported the current provisions for taxation, and is in favor of passing the DISTRUST Act, originally proposed in 2039 by his party. The DISTRUST Act would see several of Droiden's largest corporations broken down into successor corporations. He is in favor of economic aid to the Empire of Japan in its fight against the Syndicalists. He does not, however, intend to partner with the United States Federal Government, citing its suspension of Habeas Corpus as "Proof that the United States has become too volatile for external intervention to serve as anything other than a money vacuum." Noregaard seeks to remain in the Northern Hemisphere Trade Alliance. His most impactful policy is his disavowal of austerity, seeking to spend taxpayer money "on the taxpayers."

His foreign policy is dedicated to maintaining relations with the European Prosperity Sphere, utilizing Droiden's position on the European Security Council as a permanent member to combat Syndicalism and preserve Capitalism and Democracy. Of the EPS, Noregaard stated "It is a necessary body to maintain Europe." He is in favor of maintaining the Droidenian Commonwealth, and is scheduled to visit the Commonwealth Meeting of National Heads of State.

His social policy is built on the foundation of "Compassionate Capitalism," which he calls "the only way forward for the nation." Compassionate Capitalism, or "ComCap" as it is called by contemporaries, is based on green energy, Nordic Model spending, anti-corruption, human rights, and liberty. Some in the ComCap faction also seek a universal basic income, however Noregaard is not public on his support for a program thereof.

Policy Positions

Here is a list of Noregaard's strongest policy positions.



Liberal Democracy


Nordic Model



Drug Decriminalization

LGBT+ Rights

Punitive Justice


Excessive Fossil Fuel Usage

Appearance and Health

Ingvar is 6'3, appears blonde, and is somewhat stocky. He walks with a limp as a result of his injury in 2023.

Personal Health Evaluation

What is it about?


Cisgender Male


44 years






6'3" (above nat'l avg)


~271 lbs (at average for height and age)

Hair Color


Eye Color


Blood Type

B Negative

Hand Dexterity


Physical Health Quotient (PHQ-I)

Beta (Good Health and Physique)

Intellectual Intuition Quotient (IIQ)

Alpha (Average Intellectual Quotient)

Psychological Health Quotient (PHQ-II)

Gamma (Average Psychological Health Quotient


Ingvar has a masters degree in political science, with a minor in history, a bachelors in history, and an associate's in Droidenian literature.

Personality and Personal Life

"Books are the nation's past and future at the same time. It is near impossible to find this in any other art form." - Ingvar Noregaard on the topic of books.

Noregaard is Scandinavian by birth, though grew to admire Livonian culture, citing his admiration of the cultural cuisine. He is an avid reader, having held a Kalmar Library membership since he was six. He read a smuggled copy of "On The Syndicates" in 2026 during his time at university. Noregaard has cited several times his desire to keep a "Belle-Room" in his personal residence, though it is unlikely that he will get one considering that it is not legal to modify 18 Amaliegarde beyond necessary repairs. He has, however, designated the downstairs office as his "personal reading room." Ingvar is a devout Droidenian Orthodox Christian, though admits that "there are some things that [he feels] that the church gets wrong." He attends the Cathedral of Althior, headed by Bishop Yngvar Paulsson. Noregaard is also an avid gamer, stating that his favorite games are those that he can "escape from the real world in." He hosted the first political rally inside of a video game on a private server of American video game Grand Theft Auto V, to which all players received an invite. It was a rousing success. He also livestreamed a few rounds of Minecraft Hunger Games, but quit before his fifth loss. He met his wife at University, stating that he was drawn to her "rousing knowledge of political science" initially, but fell for her as they became familiar. They married in 2030, and have no children due to his wife's familial history of eclampsia.


  • Rather than children, Noregaard has taken to caring for foster dogs.

  • Noregaard was originally left handed, though pressure from his parents made him shift to writing with his right hand.

  • The favorite drink of the Prime Minister is American soda Diet Mountain Dew.

  • His favorite song is Hotel California.


"I regret nothing but remaining in the syndicates for my entire youth." - Noregaard speaking about his surrender to Royalist forces on 28 June 2036.

The Kongúrrikki of Droiden

