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The Althior Sentinel - 03 February 2044

By Erik Olavsson
- New developments in the battle for aerial superiority between AirDroiden and Tagflýgt Droiðenska! today, as it appears that the former has acquired a new contract with Mikkelsen-Metzinger. On Saturday, executives from both companies met with the national arms and aerospace corporation in order to seek exclusive rights to the new line of MM-VA16 passenger liners, announced early this year. AirDroiden CEO Lars Havilanaen and Mikkelsen-Metzinger CEO Moritz Metzinger were photographed leaving the corporate office of the latter, and it appeared that Havilanaen was carrying an envelope. The latest move of the AirDroiden Board of Directors will likely put back the company around 15 billion Crobenats. Havilanaen met with reporters outside of the AirDroiden Construction Yard, and stated "Today, we signed a great deal, trust me it was very great, it was very necessary, folks, very necessary. Mr. Metzinger is a good friend of mine, a very good and old friend, and it makes sense to adjoin the greatest airline in Droiden and the greatest planes. Thank you to Mr. Metzinger and to the Board for approving this decision."
No statement from Tagflýgt Droiðenska! has been obtained, though reports indicate that the company will be seeking deals with international manufacturers. It is unclear as to how this will affect the stock market, but analyist Henrik Vilinus predicts a massive leap in both AirDroiden and Mikkelsen-Metzinger stocks in the coming days.
By Elena Grave
- The traditional February Polls are in, and they deliver a shocking result; it appears that, as Prime Minister Darmstadt's final term comes to a close, new Sovereignty Party Leader Ilsa Magnussen's campaign has been less successful than previously thought. Results show increased support for the Christian Democratic Party, and more specifically Party Leader Ingvar Norgaard and his "People-first" attitude to economics. Polls indicate that the recent Profit-Favoring platform of the Sovereignty Party is unpopular with the people, and some believe that it is in violation of the Great Edict.
Polls took place yesterday morning, and it is projected that roughly 70% of the population will be turning out to make their voices heard at nearly 100,000 polling stations nationwide to elect members of the Fólkeðínget. Prime Minister Darmstadt stated "If it is the will of the people that my party is to leave its position as His Most Orthodox Majesty's Government, then so be it. I will not demand that people vote for someone that they do not feel that they deserve."
The election's outcome could mark major shifts in the nation's political and economic landscape. If the Christian Democratic Party and Ingvar Norgaard win, we can expect a move towards more populist policies, potentially undoing many of the pro-business reforms enacted during Darmstadt's administration. On the other hand, if the Sovereignty Party retains power, they will need to address the rising dissatisfaction and adjust their policies to better reflect public opinion.
Increasingly influential is the youth vote of Droiden. Many youngsters have grown up with Darmstadt and Norgaard as the main political figures in the Post-Syndicalist Empire. As Darmstadt's eligibility to serve as PM runs out, it seems that a familiar face may bring more power than even the best political platform from a newcomer. Further, as many young people are concerned for their future in a highly industrial nation, the Christian Democratic Party's recent talks of a political alliance with the Greens and the New Energy Party may see a rise in a green coalition.
By Horatio Winther
- A new deal with Fashion Brand Hjem Hans Hanssen (HHH), contracted by the Crown to produce a series of garments and a personal fragrance for the Kongur has set the industry ablaze. HHH, known for its rather avant-garde style, the new outfits seem garish to many. The Kongur was photographed speaking to the press in what seems to be a fur overcoat, dyed green, bearing a sash across a suit underneath. As winter closes, the outfit is surely warm, but critics argue that it is the worst thing the Kongur has donned since diapers.
Fashion Critics Johan Sóndergaard and Sif Brix state that such outfits undermine the dignity of the Crown, but others state that it heralds the beginning of a new era of a less serious and more popular monarchy. Archbishop Robin Adamsen of Denmark has stated that, although he agrees that the outfit is garish, that it is neither unmodest nor unbecoming of the Kongur. "It is not as if he is masquerading about in his underclothes. The Kongur is dressed decently and warmly. Even if it is an eyesore, it is effective clothing, and that is all that should matter."
It doesn't stop there, however. Environmental concerns have been raised regarding the production of HHH's products. Researchers say that the materials used in the production of clothes by the company are unsustainably sourced and processed, and that there are several chemicals within the "Hans' Juice" line of fragrances, noteworthy for its rose and vanilla accords, that are linked to greater risk of cancer and skin disease. Even further, studies show that one compound, geraniol, is toxic to the environment as well as people.
I feel as though the Kongur's choice in fashion is somewhat insensitive to the growing environmental issues within the nation. Partnering with a fashion house such as HHH, noteworthy for its less-than-sustainable products, feels like a slap in the face to those concerned for the future of the nation. I must say, however, that I feel that the claims regarding the aesthetic appeal of the new outfits are unfounded; they look perfectly fine.
By Bishop Hjalmar Yi
- Accusations of financial misuse have shocked the clergy and the community at large. A ruling handed down from the Novgorod Princely Ecumenical Court regarding the case of Bishop Edvard Karp v. Church declares the Bishop guilty of embezzlement from tithes and other subsidies. This comes as a shock to the people, as Karp has been publicly outspoken against corruption. Some may recall his rousing sermon on honesty and humility which went viral in 2039, as it seems to be that these values have been lost on the condemned bishop.
On 19 January, the Bishop appeared before the Holy Synod to plead his case, but it seems that the evidence was too great to dismiss. After nearly six hours of deliberation, the Holy Synod voted by majority decision to convict Bishop Edvard Karp of Embezzlement, and sentence him to ten years in a monastic detainment centre. He shall, further, be stripped of his rank for the duration of the sentence. In his place, Bishop Ralf Junnila has been ordained to serve the Pskov area.
This comes as a shock to the Grand Principality as well as the empire at large. Church leadership issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to implementing stringent financial oversight measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. The congregation served by Karp has displayed great disappointment in the once-trusted bishop, with one parishioner stating "I am devastated at hearing such news of man we all once trusted. Bishop Karp was always speaking against misuse of funds, especially by church. It is blindsiding."
By Mikhaleva Ivanovna
- The roadways are shaping up for a new arrival in the fall; Asko Motorcorporation announced yesterday that it would be endeavoring into the field of electric vehicles. Director of Products Jesper Rask stated that there would be three new models, mirroring their gasoline-powered vehicles; a truck model, an SUV model, and a sedan model will each be rolled out later this year, and are expected to start at ₡35,000, ₡27,000, and ₡13,000 respectively.
Electric Vehicles have been historically unpopular in Droiden, however new developments by Asko to bring universal electric vehicle charging stations to cities and suburban areas have been successful, implementing them at most major petrol stations.
Reports indicate that Asko CEO Rupert Asko decided on this venture after attending a rally from The Greens. "Environmental concerns have weighed heavily on me, and as the leader and owner of the biggest automotive corporation in the Empire, I feel as though I must do something."
Early estimates report a battery range of 426 kilometres, and rapid-charging capabilities. Pre-orders have skyrocketed despite historic hostility towards EVs, reaching more than 50,000 for the entire line. The new line is expected to bolster the market value of Asko Motorcorporation's stock and establish it as the biggest automobile producer in the nation.