
by The Vote WAF DPM of Western Arba Fir. . 20 reads.

Deputy Prime Minister Announcement #1

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Official Announcements

Response to my Low Approval Ratings

My average approval rating in this past census was 6.29 which was the worst out of all the government officials (not including MOs), so I just wanted to say I promise I will do better, and work harder. I want to help lead this region and I promise I will.

If you rated me low please telegram me or dm me on discord (billybaseball23) why you did and how I can approve.

I just started being DPM and I am just getting used to it, so please tell me how I can approve so I can do my job as DPM well.

Thank You,
Western Arba Fir
Deputy Prime Minister
The Region That Has No Big Banks
