Dispatch → Factbook → Politics
Breakdown of The Governments of The Confederacy
Politics in The Confederacy are both rich and varied. Amongst the most politically apathetic people in the world, the political environment is still rife with all the intrigues and machinations common in all the governments of the world, from the corruptive influences of business, religious & dictatorial enclaves, to the equally unscrupulous proddings from the media, unions & everyone in between these two poles.All that being said, the educational background of all the citizenry of The Confederacy as well as the numerous checks found in the federal system makes it very difficult for factions to dominate others and as such for much of its history The Confederacy's governments have been primarily democracies or even anarchic. A basic breakdown of the types of governments clearly reflects the rich variety of governmental forms enjoyed by The Confederacy in the past. During its political history no less than 13 governmental forms have been cited by the WA to adequately categorize The Confederacy. The Confederacy itself doesn't constrict itself to such coarse categorizations but it is still interesting to note the variety found within, though certain patterns also emerge:
Anarchy 18%
Capitalizt 15%
Democratic Socialists 13%
Inoffensive Democracy 13%
Civil Rights Lovefest 9%
Capitalist Paradise 6%
Corporate Bordello 5%
Liberal Democratic Socialists 5%
New York Times Democracy 4%
Left Leaning College State 3%
Libertarian Police State 3%
Benevolent Dicatorship 3%
Compulsory Consumerist State 3%
As one can clearly see while political rights might be compromised on occasion, the civil & economic rights of The Confederacy are strongly defended at all times. Some institutions have been critical of the numerous times The Confederacy has resorted to Despotic rule and there is a certain validity to their assertion that The Confederacy plays at democracy while keeping an aristocratic background to its government. This will be touched upon later in this & other factbooks.
The Confederacy's myriad of government forms is in some respects a reflection of the wide range of races and species that inhabit the realm. There are something on the order of 247 official species in the registrar of citizenry and within those 247 species there are over a 20 thousand racial variants. While we will not go into detail about the variants, a brief list of the major species that directly affect the Federal Government is in order.
This can be grouped in the following categories:
Humans: 18%
Goblins: 17%
Other: 17%
Saurians: 16%
Dwarves: 15%
Faerie: 9%
Giants: 8%
Drakes: n/a
Within the Federal System, the Faerie (mostly Elves) & the Humans dominate, though there are large numbers of Goblins & Saurians in attendance and exception Dwarves often hold immense power. A breakdown of the racial categories can be found in the Culture section of The Confederacy's Factbook.
This immense multiplicity is both The Confederacy's greatest weakness & greatest resource. It is also evident in the wide range of government forms when viewing the political landscape from a local perspective. The multiplicity causes much internal havoc, as each tries to protect their cherished interests while infringing on the interests of others. This is considerably less evident in times of external strain, as the highly educated populace commonly put the nation's interests above their own. This is most evident internationally both militarily & diplomatically but the unswerving support of the populace in the face of external threats. Internally things are another story.
This leads us to the huge number of local governments that combine with the 19 provincial governments to form the major source of legislative initiatives that affect The Confederacy. Provinces hold much sway over the federal governments, and this political freedom has often rewarded The Confederacy with bold initiatives in the face of grave events.