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The Lazarene Card Guild - Join Today!
[align=center][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck][img]https://i.ibb.co/g6NkPhS/Laz-cards-2.png[/img][/url] [background-block=green][box][color=white][b][size=140]The Lazarene Card Guild[/size][/b][/color][/box][/background-block][/align] [align=justify]Hello and welcome to the Lazarene Card Guild dispatch! The Lazarene Card Guild or (LCG) is Lazarus’ card program. This dispatch will explain what the card game is, how it works, and why you should join the LCG. [background-block=#9cf6d5][box][b]What Are Cards? [/b] Every time you answer an issue, you have roughly a one in five (1/5) chance of getting a card pack. When opened, each card pack contains five cards that will be placed in your deck. You will commonly receive cards from the current “season,” which is season three; however, you have a chance of receiving cards from past seasons as well, the odds of which are increasingly rarer the older the season is. For example, a season one card pack is the rarest card pack you can receive, while season two is less rare yet still not common, and season three is the most common pack you will receive – Season 1 < Season 2 < Season 3. Cards were first introduced to the game as an April Fools event back in 2018 but they were made a permanent feature in December of that same year. The reintroduction of cards in December was the start of season one and each season has its own unique style of card, which can be viewed here. If you are new to the game and would like to obtain your own card for your nation, you must register at the beginning of a new season. The introduction of new seasons is not set in stone and is generally up to site staff when they think a new season is warranted. Cards come in different rarities linked to the statistics of the nations they represent – common, uncommon, rare, ultra rare, epic and legendary. The statistics of a nation are represented by the badges you can find below the general description of each nation on their page. The more gold badges a nation has, the more likely they are to be of a higher rarity. There are also other factors that can contribute to the rarity of a nation’s card, such as being a World Assembly resolution or issue author, being commended or condemned by the World Assembly, being a site donator, being a founder or delegate of a region, etc. There are tools to help you determine what rarity your card will be once a new season comes out, such as this one, although it should be kept in mind that this is only a prediction or estimate and not definitive. [/box][/background-block] [b]What is the Card “Game?” [/b] You can buy or sell cards to build your decks or collections on the market for bank, which is money used for cards. Selling and buying of cards occurs in a timed auction starting at 60 minutes (1 hour) once a bid has been matched. Sellers and buyers compete during this timed auction and any additional bid or move resulting in a match adds one minute to the timer. If a bid is higher than or equal to an ask (the selling price of the card) - a match will be made, and the auction will begin. Multiple matches can be played on a card at the same time. Cards can be junked for their lowest, game-given price and this is the fundamental drive behind generating bank in-game (common: 0.01, uncommon: 0.05, rare: 0.10, ultra rare: 0.20, epics: 0.50, and legendary: 1.00). This works as a fast and reliable way to generate bank; however, never junk a legendary card. You can traditionally gain more bank for a legendary card by listing it on the market for around its given market value. The market value of a card is estimated by the ten most recent auctions of a card. The total market value of all cards in your deck is called your “Deck Value,” which can be viewed here or alternatively under your World Assembly ranking for International Artwork. [b]How Do You Amass Bank?[/b] The best way to build a large deck is through a method called “card farming.” Card farming involves making lots (often hundreds) of puppets and regularly answering issues on them to receive lots of card packs. The task can seem extremely daunting but there are plenty of tools and scripts to make it easier than it sounds. These tools can be accessed through discord. The ideal cycle on how to farm is as follows - [list=1][*]Create puppets to farm with. It can be any number of nations that you are happy with. It can be 10 or 10,000. [*]Log into the puppet nations and answer every issue. When answering issues, unless you are going for a particular type of nation, it does not matter which option you pick. It will not impact the rate at which you receive cards. [*]Once you have answered all the issues on a nation, check to see if you obtained any card packs and open them. [*]Junk any cards that you are not interested in for the bank. Look out for high deck value cards – such as cards with a market value above five or those that have standing bids higher than the junk value of the card. Any standing bids on a card will be displayed on the card in the pack you have opened. You can then sell those cards for bank. Remember, you should never junk a legendary card. If you place the legendary card on the market, you will always be able to receive more bank than the junk value of one. [*]Once you have collected around 10 bank on a puppet nation, it will then be a good time to transfer that bank to your main nation. If not, move on to the next puppet and repeat. Transferring anything more than 10 bank at one time will invoke a “tax” on that transfer, something you should absolutely avoid. The tax is talked about in greater detail below. [/list] [b]How Do You Transfer Bank? [/b] A transfer is basically you selling and buying a card between your main nation and the puppets you set up to farm bank. The most common ways of transferring bank to your main nation are the “plain” and “mass transfer” methods, and there are risks associated with both. Whenever you decide to move bank over the market, there is a chance that someone can rob you of your bank, a practice known as heisting, which is further explained below. For both methods of transferring, you need a transfer card. This can be any card in your deck, but ideally it should be one with very few owners (perhaps 2-10 owners) and from an older season, such as season 1 or 2. This will help greatly reduce the risk of someone stealing your hard-earned bank. If you only have 1 copy of a card, and you transfer bank with that card, this is considered the “plain” method of transferring. A plain transfer is the simplest way of transferring bank to the nation you want. You simply need to place a bid on the transfer card that is the amount of bank you wish to transfer with your puppet nation, although it should never be more than 10 bank. Anything more than 10 bank, and the game will tax your transaction. Once the bid is placed, log into the nation you are moving the bank to and then match the bid with an ask of the same amount. The nation you are moving the bank to should be the initial owner of the transfer card. The main issue with plain transfers is that it can be a bit taxing to keep watch during your transactions. Lets say you are planning to move 100 bank and intend to do plain transfers of 10 bank using 10 different transfer cards. That is 10 different transactions you will have to keep an eye on during the hour-long auction time, whereas the mass transfer method allows you to keep watch of only one transaction. A mass transfer is good for when you want to transfer bank from lots of puppets at the same time and is also less prone to heisting – although you will still have to stay alert throughout the transfer to make sure you are not heisted. To do this, you need many copies of the same card you wish to transfer on. You should then bid the amount of bank that you are transferring on each respective puppet you are transferring bank on. Then, match all these bids with asks from the nation you plan to move the bank to. With many copies of the same card, you can do all of this within one transaction, making things a lot simpler to watch. [i]Heisting[/i] is the deliberate interception of a card trade. A heister, if they have access to a copy of the card that is being used for a live transfer, can under-ask the transfer value and get the bank being transferred instead of the intended target. Heisting is generally considered bad form within the card community, but you are likely to encounter a heist if you get involved in the card game. If you are being heisted, you simply need to under-ask the heister, but note that some heisters will continue to try and under-ask you to steal your bank. With every bid or ask placed, one minute is added to the auction and you may have to fight back the entire time, extending the hour-long auction to however long the fighting continues. When fighting a heist, never, ever, simply ask .01 on your transfer card. Always under-ask your bid .01 at a time, but don’t simply drop the value to .01. The heister could then match that ask and you will find yourself with little to no options to continue fighting. [b]How many cards can I collect in my deck? [/b] Deck capacity is the number of cards your nation can collect. By default, you will have a deck capacity of 50 cards; however, you can expand your deck capacity by paying an increasing amount of bank. A simple chart showing the amount of bank necessary to increase your deck capacity is shown below. Please note that site supporters – those that have donated money to the website – will receive twice the usual deck capacity for the same amount of bank. [table][tr][td]Deck capacity (cards)[/td][td]Cost (bank)[/td][/tr][tr][td]50[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td]100[/td][td]1[/td][/tr][tr][td]150[/td][td]4[/td][/tr][tr][td]200[/td][td]9[/td][/tr][tr][td]250[/td][td]16[/td][/tr][tr][td]300[/td][td]25[/td][/tr][tr][td]350[/td][td]36[/td][/tr][tr][td]400[/td][td]49[/td][/tr][tr][td]450[/td][td]64[/td][/tr][/table] [background-block=#9cf6d5][box][b]What is the Lazarene Card Guild?[/b] The Lazarene Card Guild (LCG) is the cards program of Lazarus, which is designed to help Lazarenes build their decks and get involved in cards. You gain numerous benefits if you join as a prospective card player, such as - [list=1][*]Other LCG members are not permitted to heist you (or they will get kicked out) Yes, free protection from at least some heisters! [*]You can request a free Lazarene Epic Card when you join! This will help boost your deck. [*]You will have access to resources and the wider player base of the card community, helping you quickly understand all the ins and outs of cards and making it far easier for you to build your decks or collections.[/list] [b]How Do I Join? [/b] All you need to do is join the [url=https://discord.com/invite/m9EaqfDFDd]regional discord server[/url] and have a nation in Lazarus! It is that easy. Once you have joined the discord server, simply communicate your interest in the Lazarene Card Guild and someone on the staff will help you get set up. If you have questions about cards or how to get involved, telegram [nation]Debussy[/nation]![/align] [/box][/background-block]