
by The Eared Robot of Keltionialang. . 13 reads.

Ouroboran Cult archive [ARCHIVE, NOT LORE. IGNORE]

Full name: Ouroboran Order of the Serpent's Crossing
Motto: O, the heathens flee by our righteous command!
Archpriest Gabriel

Archpriest Gabriel was one of the first disciples of the Prophet, joining with him at the age of 16, shortly before the Kansan Wars began. Following him, Gabriel would take to his teachings the best of all current Triumvirs. Now, he leads the cult in its greatest time of need, with the Prophet's sudden disappearance rocking the cult and splitting it into multiple factions.

An Archpriest's Forging
Little is known about Gabriel's early life, aside from the fact he was born in what once was Liberal, Kansas. It is known, however, he participated in the Sacking of Boulder, which is where he would first meet the Prophet.
Born just outside of Liberal, Kansas on a small farm around 2044, around the beginning of the Mississippi War, Gabriel at first lived an unassuming life. He would go through the usual life a poor farmer would, though with a few other experiences. When 10, a raid on Liberal took place, with some marauders, once defeated, now sought refuge in their farm. This event would later lead to him joining the Gang. Alongside this, he learned how to use an axe, mallet, and various types of scavenged revolvers. Once the Panhandle Skirmishes broke out, he would run away from home, joining up with a small group known as the Ten-Minute Gang at around 14. In the Battle of Greasy Slopes, he alone would rout the Navajo Exiles from the Panhandle, securing a small victory for the Gang, though losing an arm in the process. No longer able to easily fight, he left the Gang, heading up into Liberal itself to find a job, now 16.

The One of Heaven
Now crippled, Gabriel was unable to find a job he could actually work at, and would have to beg on the streets for months. Slowly starving and wasting away, he lost more and more hope until finally deciding to leave the city. On January 16th, 2061, however, the Prophet would arrive in Liberal on his journey to his foreseen promised land. Strangely, the Prophet had seen something in Gabriel, and offered Gabriel to join him in his journey, becoming his first disciple. Gabriel, with no other options, accepted. Joining alongside the Prophet on June 4th, 2061, Gabriel would follow his teachings to the point, becoming the Prophet's most ardent follower. As 2 years passed, they eventually arrived at a small canyon in West Texas, somewhere near the Rio Grande. Gabriel would suggest that this was the promised land, as great amounts of green and a flowing river passed through this undoubtedly beautiful area. The Prophet, recalling his vision, agreed, founding the village of Serpent's Crossing, named such as they had seen a snake cross through the area.

The Disciple's Ascension
As Serpent's Crossing grew throughout the months, the Prophet, after gaining the other two disciples, Lamia and Midas, would disappear. Now alone, these three have formed the Triumvirate, leading the Cult as it withers and fights the odds. Gabriel was named the Archpriest, and took control of spiritual and martial responsibilities. However, he is lazier and more indecisive than most think, leading the cult reluctantly, and only motivated by his desire to find the Prophet. Only time will tell if he is strong enough to keep the splintering unity of the cult together...

The Man of Fractured Copper
Today, Gabriel serves as the head of the Triumvirate, as reluctant as he may be. Though his arm will likely never be truly replaced, he has found a "suitable" replacement by obtaining an arm of copper. He didn't choose copper, no, it was simply his only option. He's grown as accustomed as can be to it, though it is hard to move. However, both he and his affiliates know the arm won't last forever, as it's already fracturing. Bits and pieces slowly crack as it wears and tears, but he still yet has no replacement.

The Den of Lethargy
Unlike Lamia and Midas, Gabriel is heavily lethargic. He has managed to hide it well, though only from the common cultist. This is not his only bad trait, as despite his time in the Ten-Minute Gang, he's quite craven, only defending the village when absolutely necessary and desperately attempting to reunite the fractured cult through words. The traits he has to make up from this is his knowledge on wasteland survival, surprising "skills" as a diplomat in the hellhole that is the Trans-Pecos, his experience with the Ten-Minute Gang, knowledge on melee combat, alongside his general compassion, generosity, and the sort.


Triumvir Lamia


Triumvir Cid

The Archpriest sits, alone and cold. Yet another attack by the damned marauders of Victor. This time, at least, they had been repelled without a loss. He lights up a candle, and looks out at the sky through one of the 8 narrow windows of the makeshift church. The Serpent has willed it to be around 4 in the morning. The Archpriest sighs, and somewhat lazily turns to the small podium at the end of the hall. Walking over to it, he opens the Words of the Ouroboros and turns it to Musings.

There comes a point when all dies and returns to primordial ooze.
Life is but a mere cycle, an Ouroboros.
At the mouth of the Serpent of Life, everything begins, seeping in from the primordial dark of the Universe.
Life begins the cycle there, from ashes to fire, from dust to life.
However, life is from nothing and everything.
All that surrounds the Serpent of Life is the infinite amounts of all that came before the current Life Cycle.
All life will travel through the Serpent, from the entrance, Birth, to the end, Death.
Once death arrives, all life returns to whence it came from, the infinite and non-existent darkness.
All life in this circle is but a blip in the Great Stream.
I, you, everything is a part of this.
The Great Stream is not water, but the light, the light of life.
This Serpent is both alive and not, our vessel of life.
However, despite this, there is a point to traveling this stream.
This point is flexible, unending, but always there.
Some may believe it to be happiness, others love, others, nothing.
In nothing, however, lies everything.
In particular, there are two paths a speck can go.
One of Conflict.
One of Struggle.
Conflict and Struggle are inherently and vastly different.
Conflict is belligerent, seeking a falsified truth.
Conflict is hate.
Struggle, however, is everything it can be.
Struggle against evil.
Struggle against failure.
Struggle is everything and nothing.
Struggle encompasses the pious journey.
All face an inevitable truth at the end of the Serpent - Death.
Conflicts seeks to fight against this.
Struggle does not embrace it, but accepts it.
Though Death is inevitable, eventually Birth is also inevitable.
One may return from Death, not as themselves, however, but making up many different things.
Though, this reward is granted to those who embrace the path of Struggle.
Those who seek Conflict will return to Death forevermore.
Struggle is the Ouroboros made manifest.
Conflict is the primordial darkness made manifest.
Jump here for early day.
Jump here for midday.
Jump here for evening.
Jump here for night.

These below sections show how the life of an average Order member would play out daily in Serpent's Crossing. Do note that this does not represent all in the Cult.

Early Day

5:00 AM
All men of working age (25-50) wake up and begin setting things up in the village for the day.

5:30 AM
All women of working age (25-50) wake up for the day, and begin assisting in setting things up, primarily in churches and monasteries.

6:00 AM
All children wake up and eat breakfast, usually hunted, such as cooked snakes or the occasional rabbit or coyote.

6:30 AM
Men begin preparations for their jobs.

6:45 AM
Women begin preparation for their jobs.

7:00 AM
Children adjustment hour; until 8 AM, children are allowed to wake up and do what they want.

8:00 AM
Children now go to school, men and women head off to work.

8:30 AM
Work/school actually begins, most have physical jobs, helping construct buildings, assist farmers, etc.


9:00-11:59 AM
First work/school shift of the day.

12:00-1:00 PM
Children and workers are temporarily released and given an hour to participate in short sermons, or other religious activities during the period known as the "Peak of the Serpent", or Noon.

1:00-3:00 PM
Second school/work shift, after 3, most children are released from school and prepare for the various after-school activities assigned to each, designed to occupy 3 hours of their day.

3:01-6:00 PM
After-school activities and also part of the second work shift. After 6, workers are released to pick up their children.


6:01-7:00 PM
Memoriam Hour, a period of the day devoted to rest and remembrance.

7:01-9:00 PM
Various religious activities take place from here on out.

9:00-9:30 PM
Families eat dinner, usually consisting of corn, cooked snakes, and gravy.


9:31-4:59 PM/AM
Curfew and sleeping hours.

"Patrolling the Pecos almost makes you wish for a Texan invasion."

Factions of the Trans-Pecos, from west to east
Provisional El Paso Republic
El Paso, Jewel of the Pecos
El Paso is a strange place, in that it's relatively normal. After the West Texas Wars, both the Republic of Tejas and Texas would lose control of the Trans-Pecos, as well as the myriad frontier groups and natives of the West. However, Mexico would see an opportunity in this yet-unclaimed land, and got to work attempting to retake it. El Paso was their first goal. In 2045, however, those in the Pecos would rally together, and go to defend El Paso, which they did spectacularly, defending Pecos independence forevermore. However, many of these volunteers returned to their lands, but the few who stayed, alongside the people of El Paso, would set up a provisional government, a semi-democratic state. Now, though it's been 20 years, El Paso is still surrounded by threats, and the provisional government has been forced to stay in power, though some officials have been elected in and out over time.
Arizona Ranger Territories
The Scatterlanders
The Rangers arrived in 2059, shortly after the formation of the New American Republic, after the Third Continental Congress in San Diego. Long before, they had become obsolete as Arizona made peace with the revolting Navajo, acquiescing to secession. Sent out on a "diplomatic mission", a thin, and strange excuse, they were more exiled and seen as a problem. However, when the Water Wars began, they no longer had a home to return to, and departed through the lands of New Mexico, ending up in El Paso. However, their services were not needed, and so they went east. East, they found deserted lands filled with little more than warring communities, and finally found a home. Sweeping across these areas, they consolidated what was there, with the only possible challenge being the border town of Van Horn, bordering the core of El Paso. The Rangers decided to headquarter themselves here, and have subsequently brought law and order to these lands, albeit teetering on authoritarianism. They are one of few factions who have a favorable opinion of El Paso, and have frequently helped them. To most, they are known as the Scatterlanders, as they both expelled many, but are also spread thin across their land, scattered wherever possible.
Texas Wendigos Gang
Pecos Federation
Various cult factions in the middle, can be found in factions factbook.
Kelly Gang
The Last Command
Now, heading from east to west, as The Last Command is the light blue faction on the very edge,
Brewster Republic
Big Bend Ranger Command
Presidio Commune
Presidio Provisional State
Ten-Minute Gang
The Ten-Minute Gang were a faction in the Panhandle Skirmishes, who later joined up with the Ouroboran Order due to the Archpriest. Gabriel's most loyal followers, they serve as the vanguard of his dominance within the Triumvirate. They make up a majority of the militia, and were the source of the majority of the Cult's weaponry, including the Archpriest's own FN-FAL. Though more an enforcement agency than anything, their core beliefs are:
Loyalty to Gabriel
Gun rights and increased trade

Lamia's Children

Pious of the Prophet

The Pious are the most conservative, perhaps even far-right of the 5 groups, supporting a harsher moral code, the total repression of deviancy from the norm, and wishing to revert back into a nuclear family style of living. They are one of the more influential groups, helping define the moral code of the Path of Struggle. They also support the centralization of power within the Triumvirate, and vehemently oppose the doctrine of Occult Democracy. Their main beliefs are
Moral prudism

Group for Refinement

The Group for Refinement serve as the reformist branch of the cult. Instead of the cult's current isolationism, they seek to open up its borders and generally become more accepting of outsiders, as well as refining the Path of Struggle. They are perhaps the smallest of the branches, however. They also seek to introduce "Occult Democracy". Their main beliefs are:
Regulated Democracy


The Patriots are a unique group in that they are not motivated by religion, but by nationalism. Instead of isolating Serpent's Crossing, they seek to, at the very least, unite the Trans-Pecos region. Their grandest of ambitions, however, is the reunification of Texas under a theocratic nationalist cult. Their main beliefs are:
