
by The Megacorporation of Texico. . 10 reads.

Warzone Trinidad Company Charter

Warzone Trinidad Company Charter

Article I - Company Formation
1.01 - This corporation is formed in the lands of Warzone Trinidad and Warzone Tobago, for the purpose of doing business across the multiverse. It shall be known as the Warzone Trinidad and Tobago Corporation.

1.02 - These bylaws are adopted on behalf of the corporation. The Board of Directors acknowledges and agrees to compliance with this charter.

1.03 - Though the corporation was founded in Warzone Trinidad, it may relocate its headquarters to any location as it sees fit.

Article II - Board of Directors
2.01 - There shall be 5 directors on the Board. Directors must be residents in a region which the corporation governs.

2.02 - The directors and their roles shall be as follows:

  1. Chief Executive Officer - Oversee all departments and all operations of the corporation. They shall also serve as the World Assembly Delegate, unless otherwise noted.

  2. Chief Operating Officer - Act as a second in command to the CEO and manage the corporation in a more day to day way. Authorized to act as CEO in case of their absence.

  3. Director of Human Resources - Oversee the corporation’s employee engagement programs, recruitment, and the World Assembly recommendations.

  4. Director of Public Relations - Oversee the corporation’s relations to foreign governments, and manage the lobbying program.

  5. Director of Foreign Acquisitions - Oversee and manage corporate holdings, as well as head the Corporate Security and Acquisitions Offices.

2.03 - Actions taken by a member of the Board must be first communicated in advance to the other Directors for their information/approval

2.04 - Directors may be removed from the board by voluntary resignation or by a petition filed by 50% + 1 of citizens. Directors may also be removed by a unanimous vote from other directors, counting abstentions. If an attempt fails, they are protected from further attempts for a duration of three weeks.

2.05 - The CEO shall be directly elected by every employee every year on March 24th. Should they resign or be otherwise removed, it will trigger a snap election for the position.

  1. Nominations shall open on March 24th, close March 27th, and voting shall be held until March 30th. At this time, a peaceful transition of power shall occur, with the new CEO’s term beginning on April 5th.

  2. The CEO may also appoint a new Board of Directors at this time.

2.06 - Vacancies will be filled by the CEO appointment, and confirmed by a simple majority in the rest of the Board.

2.07 - The Board may create additional offices subservient to it, and may appoint officers to these positions as they see fit. Directors may at their discretion delegate powers held by them to these offices.

Article III - Employees and Interns
3.01 - An employee of Warzone Trinidad shall be any resident nation who’s World Assembly status is in service of the Corporation

  1. This will most commonly take the form of an endorsement on their region’s legal World Assembly Delegate, but could include working for the Corporate Security and Acquisitions Office

3.02 - Employees shall have the following rights

  1. Voting and/or running in regional elections

  2. Participating in World Assembly discussions to determine the Delegate’s World Assembly Vote

  3. The right to petition the Board

3.03 - Interns shall be any non-employee with a nation residing within one of the corporation’s regions or holdings

3.04 - Only interns or employees shall be eligible to join the Corporate Security and Acquisitions Office

3.05 - The Board of Directors reserves the right to declare a person or entity blacklisted through a majority vote. Blacklisted persons:

  1. May not ever, under any circumstances, become Interns or Employees,

  2. Will have any such statuses revoked if they held them prior to being blacklisted.

  3. May appeal their blacklist once, which shall take the form of another simple majority vote to overturn the blacklist. The Board may also initiate this within itself, following proper procedure.

  4. Shall be recorded on the discord channel dedicated to this purpose, and their entry shall include:

    1. The name of their main nation

    2. Any aliases

    3. Application (Discord, Gameside, or Both)

    4. Any evidence

    5. Form of approval

    6. Any other notes (amendments, appeal attempts, etc.)

Article IV - Holdings
4.01 - Regions outside of Warzone Trinidad and Warzone Tobago owned or controlled by the corporation are to be collectively referred to as Holdings. Holdings shall bear a prominent notice on the World Factbook Entry that they are property of the corporation.

4.02 - Protections offered to the Corporation via treaty are to be understood to extend to these holdings.

4.03 - It is the right of the Board to make use of these holdings as they see fit. However, the Board may only lease or divest itself of a Holding by unanimous consent of the Board, including abstentions.

4.04 - Residents residing in Holdings of the Corporation (where they are operated as colonies), shall be understood to have equal rights and be equivalent to Residents residing in the homelands.

4.05 - The corporation shall maintain an internal record of its holdings, as well as the persons holding the governorships of each one.

4.06 - The corporation reserves its right and absolute discretion to engage in acquisitions of any regions to obtain new holdings.

Article V - Amendments
5.01 - This charter may be altered, amended, or repealed by a unanimous vote in the Board of Directors, or a petition signed by 50% + 1 of employees, which is then approved by a majority of the Board.

5.02 - The Board of Directors may be allowed to bypass this procedure in order to respond to an emergency, such as an attack on the corporation by a hostile power. Emergency By-Laws are to be understood to be temporary, and must be repealed or passed via proper procedure as soon as it is possible to do so.
