
by Brandressen. . 1 reads.

The National Flag, The Brandressian Tricolor.

Brandressen as an independant nation has had many flags troughout time, however, one has emerged as the quintessence of Brandressian values, The Brandressian Tricolor.

Black, white, red, with a sun and a red eagle at the center and olive branches.

- The Black represents death, the martyrs of the nation who died fighting the oppressor and the shadow of Brandressen's past.
- The White represents peace and prosperity after decades of turmoil, war and enslavement of the Brandressian Nation.
- The Red represents those who bled for the nation, the blood of martyrs who fought against those who wished to enslave the Brandressian people.
- The Sun and the Eagle represent the Scarlet Eagle, the national animal, flying as high as the sun, representing the indomitable spirit of Brandressen.
- The Olive branches represent victory against the oppressor.

Combined they make the Brandressian Tricolor, the pride of the Nation, its history, and its future.

