Dispatch → Factbook → Legislation
Canon Policies
Devolution:Government power is substantially delegated to the states of the federal republic.
Pledge of Allegiance
While not mandatory to recite it, it is seen as customary among schools and the military.
Proportional Representation
Votes translate linearly to elected representation, with no seats or electoral college.
Term Limits
Elected representatives must leave office after a legally mandated amount of time.
Vat-Produced Infants
Children are allowed to be produced from artificial wombs.
Capital Punishment
Citizens may be executed for high crimes against humanity and state
Corporal Punishment
Criminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.
Private industry is permitted within a market-based economy.
Child Labor
Children as young as 16 may be legally employed as workers and contractors.
Maternity Leave
New mothers receive paid leave from employment, payment terms vary by state
Cannabis may be legally purchased by anyone in Aurevbush at age 19
Space Program
The nation runs a space program.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Aurevbush claims the legal right to use WMDs.
Climate Treaty
The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.
Marriage Equality
Citizens of the same sex may marry in virtually all Aurevbushan states and federal territories