
by The Winter Morning of Keltionialang. . 6 reads.

Summary of each country

Venezuela: Western halves controlled by a hyperfascist military junta, Caracas and other major urban centres controlled by British expeditionaries, and the east is controlled by Guiana-backed socialist pan-leftists. Like most other countries, torn into a civil war.

Colombia: Center (particularly just Bogota) controlled by the government itself, most of the north has been seized by the joint alliance of the Medellin and Darien cartels. In the south, though mainly the Amazon, the AFC (Anarchist Federation of Colombia) fights both, and spreads into the former Brazilian Amazon.

Guiana(s): One of the few stable nations, though merged into one after the short Paramaribo War where a Leninist paramilitary group took over Guyana and seized Western Suriname, bringing a quick blow and kill to both the newly-established Suriname and East Guiana, or the French Guiana. Now a beacon of socialism alongside Guevara's militias across South America.

Antilles and lesser Caribbean Islands: Seized by Dutch exiles.

Dominica(n Republic) and Haiti: Lunatics take over Haiti and undergo hyper-militarization, sweeping across a destabilized Dominican Republic and establishing the '6,392nd Dynasty of Egypt'.

Cuba: Same as our timeline, though the south, particularly around Guantanamo hosts a small clique of American exiles claiming legitimacy.

Jamaica and other islands: Same, though places like Puerto Rico are independent.

Ecuador: Reclaimed their former lands in the east, and are now controlled by a conservative nationalist junta.

Amazon: Split into dozens of factions, mainly tribes, militants, or city-states.

Peru: Completely collapsed, Lima taken by the Shining Path and entire city massacred and burnt.

Bolivia: In the western portions, a national fascist junta has taken over, seeking to bring back Bolivia's 'glory days'. This was supported by the CIA shortly before the Day, and Guevara arrived just weeks after nuclear war broke out. Seizing his opportunity, his movement there massively bolstered itself in the east, managing to seize most of the Amazonian Bolivia. Now in a deadlocked conflict.

