Dispatch → Factbook → Overview
The end of new vedlar (for only a while)
one of athen 's bodyguards comes in the room "athen we need to go, now."athen walked out of the room and the guard talks again "c'mon athen we need to go as fast as we can goooo!!", the start running
athen, confused, says " ok what is this?"
"You're father", a pause," he died..."
athen 's confusion turned to anger, "BY WHO"
the guard finally speaks "REVAN"...
athen is furious "let me take the controls"
he takes the controls and flies at mach 6 to the primal and lands at the hangar , "leave without me"...
when the escort leaves athen goes to the bridge and sees his own father lying dead in the center of the floor and REVAN fortala standing in front of him with a pistol pointed in the direction of him.
before REVAN got to shoot, he shut the bullet proof door and ran back to the hanger. Now that he knew that nautolas was dead, his plan would work. Once he reached the hanger, he sprinted to his horad 26 and got in it. After that, he flew out of that primal and faced it again what he did next was completely unexpected and unbelievable
"My nation is gone" says athen before he starts to destroy the vrs primal with missiles and guns.
athen finally finishes missling "the ship it's gone, he is gone"
athen goes to the surface and sheds a tear or two to the sight of the nuklear wasteland he saw of his country, neals down to his knees and falls stomach to the ground.
Athen, is dead...