Dispatch → Factbook → Religion
Religious Composition of Ineva
As of 2020, the religious composition of [nation=noflag]Ineva[/nation] was as follows: [list][*]Jewish - 6.980.000 Inevians (62,8%) [*]Christian-Catholic - 3.100.000 Inevians (27,9%) [*]Muslim - 630.000 Inevians (5,7%) [*]Druze - 180.000 Inevians (1,6%) [*]Other - 160.000 Inevians (1,4%) [*]Atheist, agnostic, non-believing - 70.000 Inevians (0,6%) [/list] This is an official description produced by the Inevan government. The Inevan Ministry of Public Relations (I.M.P.R.), the Inevan Ministry of the Quinquennial Census (I.M.Q.C.), and the Inevan Ministry of Culture (I.M.C.) recognize, affirm, and endorse the content of this posting.