
by The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater. . 10 reads.

America the Greater Historical Archive - Message from the President - 2017

Fellow citizens,
I'm here to once again give thanks to the people of this region. On the Discord, the RMB, and beyond, you are giving me a new reason every day to love the region and continue working to maintain it. I'd like to say that over my term, I plan to bring more power to those who have grown to shape this region, and to improve our activity to ensure our unique culture stays inclusive and welcoming. And as Bernie Nation, my predecessor and our first President, has advised us all, I will not stop being a citizen. Keeping in mind that we are all equal, and none rules over all, is the foundation of this region. For my term, I will make sure we don't let that foundation crumble.
Thank you,
America the Greater
