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SNN Special News Report (War Preparations)
[img]https://www.2015.sofimun.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SNN.jpg[/img] (12/8/2023 08:36) Prime Minister Anna Petrovic has been ousted in a vote of no confidence. The parliament narrowly agreed to replace her with Stanislav Euler a military veteran and a member of the Nationalist Party. The vote of no confidence was prompted by the threat of Caliawiian invasion and the Libertarian Party’s history of failing to take the necessary measures to win wars. Euler was the perfect choice for Prime Minister due to his military experience and staunchly anti-Caliawiian positions. Euler’s first act as Prime Minister was to declare a state of National Emergency. Under the state of National Emergency, a curfew has been imposed and the [nation]Federal Republic of Serov[/nation] has switched completely into a war economy, including activating the underground factories. The Armed Forces has also built even more defenses along the border and in cities. Penal battalions have been formed and are being sent to the border. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/JtYMvgLC/IMG-2909.jpg[/img] Stanislav Euler (Above)