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SNN Special News Report WTDO Victory
(12/3/2023 9:26) The Kelzaian peoples revolt has taken control of the former capital of Kelzay and has surrendered to the WTDO. On Demenber 2nd 2023 the populace of the former Kelzayian capital, stormed the capiatl building where the mayor was residing. The mayor is nowhere to be found and is likely dead. Zakaria Lazaar, leader of the Kelzaian peoples revolt, assumed control of the city and immediately surrendered to the WTDO forces. The WTDO forces entered the city soon after and have seized control of it. Soon after, King Pooh of Caliawii, Supreme leader Cobra of Soviet Cobra Communist Republic, Zakaria Lazaar of the Kelzaian peoples revolt, and Anna Petrovic of Federal Republic of Serov met in the city to discuss the future of Kelzay. The war in Kelzay has officially ended in a WTDO victory.
(Below) Current map of the occupation of Kelzay