
by The Cooperatively Owned Republic of Gretarian. . 5 reads.

Current State of Politics

What parties are there and who are in charge?

In Gretarian, after the traitorous pan blue faction of the government the Blue Shirts Society, Right KMT and Han Unity parties were expelled, their forces wiped out by the glorious might of the Gretarian People's Armed forces, the government went through massive reforms. The national assembly, a branch that saw little purpose was dissolved, it's responsibility of proposing changes to the constitution shifted to the Legislative Yuan. The Executive Yuan, a ministry that had largely been abused by the Dictator Chiang Kai Shek as a way to undermine the Legislative Yuan in order to ignore the will of the people, was weakened in terms of it's strength compared to the Legislative Yuan. Constitution was rewritten for the required changes, so that the required majority for a bill to pass with or without the executive's approval decreased from two thirds of the legislators to three fifths. Plus, the appointment of the president of the Legislative Yuan by the president of the Republic could only occur with the permission of a simple majority of the Legislative Yuan.

Therefore, the Legislative Yuan has seen an increase in importance, and thus the elections that occur for this Parliament-Congress like assembly has increased. These are the following parties that have seats;
Trade Unionists
Democratic Socialists
Social democrats

The Syndicalists and Social Democrats have historically been unpopular, and remain smaller than the Democratic Socialists and Labour Unionist parties, but in recent years in face of the overthrow of the oppressive pan blue alliance and weariness of extremism (though extremism is still quite active if that is a positive thing or negative only the future will tell) have grown somewhat in the recent years.

The Syndicalists, being the only anarchist party constantly fights with the other parties, barely tolerating them as being "not as fascist as the totalists at least". They hold one tenth of the Legislative Yuan

The Social Democrats a split of from the Kuomintang, collaborated with the Democratic Socialists in the overthrow of the Fascist regime. Despite the name, does contain a number of left leaning but liberal free marketeers, who due to their beliefs get into frequent disagreements with the other parties when not engaged with the Maoist Totalist faction on the subject of civil rights and political freedoms. This makes economic bills tricky to pass as they contain one fifth of the Legislative Yuan seats.

The Democratic Socialists and Labour Unionists get along, having similar beliefs with the Labour Unionists being mostly constructed out of Union representatives and dedicate themselves largely towards legislation of beneficial things to the workers. They vote in favour of but do not actively debate for the Democratic Socialists goal of complete cooperative economy, which the Labour Unionists admitedly do not have a large interest in compared to increasing current working conditions and making sure the inflation matched the wage increases nationwide. They hold a minimal amount of seats in the Legislative but together with the Democratic Socialists hold two fifths of the legislator.

The Maoists and Totalists are of similar political thinking, that of bringing success to a nation meant a more focused and concise manner of governance. Built from disgruntled political thinkers, pan blue officers and politicians who grew weary of Gretarian's weakness and corruption, as a faction were instrumental in the Civil War. Their faction was responsible for the distribution of the red arm bands of the pan red military (that now are synonymous with the revolution) and had organised the multiple mutinies. However on their own could not launch a revolution due to the constant watchful glare of Chiang Kai Shek's spymaster, Dai Li. Their presence was tolerated by the other parties during the Exile Years as the faction was as mentioned previously, very influential within the military and were effective at fundraising. Their methods of fundraising were questionable, as their primary source was the selling of opium and involvement with crime families within and outside Gretarian. Their methods were tolerated after heavy debate, as at the time of the formation of the alliance, The White Terror was red hot in the pan red faction's minds, and being at their weakest, the Democratic Socialists, Syndicalists and Social Democrats were in their most malleable state. Of recent, it's been politically difficult for the opposition to bring up these methods as a way of condemnation, since in the past the parties had technically passively endorsed these methods. Although there are more militaristic and expansionist factions involved within this totalist faction more notably the totalist party itself, such view points have been quieted in favour of a more voter-attractive non-related-to-the pan-blues sort of party alliance following the political thoughts of the Maoist party, which so far has held firmly. Together they hold one fifth of the legislator roughly.

The Democratic Socialists, a split of party of the Kuomintang, made up from some Unionists who were involved in the sabotage and assistance of the overthrow of the fascist Pan Blues, and revolutionary thinkers and politicians that had been purged during the White Terror. Originally, the party was merely but pro democracy and the belief of state mandated worker coops. However, from the White Terror and the violent war that took place to overthrow the tyrannical fascists, Democracy has become a foremost dedication of the Democratic Socialists. The party unites the other none Totalists within the Legislative Yuan against the Totalists, having been able to effectively unite the parties as a stitched together alliance.

However, the broken economy left in the wake of the Pan Blues and the Civil War has made the Social Democrats stronger in support as market based economic solutions grow popular, making the Social Democratic Leader cocky, while the Syndicalists receive the same effect. The desire for order after decades of war is growing too, and more and more see increasing the power of the state as an easy solution...

Legislative Yuan Seats
