
by The Libertarian-Conservative of Federal Republic of Serov. . 3 reads.

SNN Special News Report Military Buildup

(11/23/2023 18:53) In recent times the FR of Serov Armed Forces has built up massively. Drafting and training 7,200,00 new soldiers boosting the total number of troops to 10,000,000. Minister of Defense Kathrine McCarthy said this; "With a small draft we have been able to boost our army to a fearsome 10,000,000 troops. In the case of a war we could increase this number greatly. Training new troops is easy as most of our population already owns a gun and knows how to use it." The Navy has greatly expanded as well adding many new ships. The Airforce has more than doubled the total number of aircraft they have. This is your voluntary tax dollars at work.

(Above) SNV Ron Paul with an escort ship

The FR of Serov is also trading with Trash Heap to gain troops from them.
