
by The Libertarian-Conservative of Federal Republic of Serov. . 25 reads.

Crimes and Punishments

Crimes and Punishments

Terrorism (Death)
Mass Murder (Death)
Murder (25 Years)
Attempted Murder (20 Years)
Vehicular Manslaughter (15 Years)
Manslaughter (voluntary) (15 Years)
Manslaughter (accidental) ($10,000 Fine)
Rape (Life in jail)
Pedophilia (Death)
Child abuse (30 Years)
Human Trafficking (Life in jail)
Kidnapping (5 Years)
Kidnapping (More than 5) (10 Years)
Kidnapping (More than 20) (40 Years)
Arson (4 Years)
Drug trafficking (Legal)
Drug dealing (Legal)
Drug possession/use (Legal)
Armed Robbery (15 Years)
Burglary (5 Years)
Grand Theft (8 Years)
Theft (5 Years)
Fraud (5 Years)
Extortion (5 Years)
Battery/assault (1 Year)
Homosexuality (Legal)
Adultery (Legal)
Abortion (Illegal except when the woman's life is in danger)
Polygamy (Legal)

Based on a factbook from Corleson.
