
by The RRRC Empress State of Hikayana. . 3 reads.

Hikayana | Overview

RRRC People's Government
Empress State of Hikayana
Serra'shuo se Hikayana (Loushie)
ヒカヤナ皇后国家 (Azura)
Negara Permaisuri Hikayana (Nakano)

National Motto:
"ヒカヤミの天皇皇后万歳!" (Azura)
"Hikayami se Terra to Serra se Wanai!" (Loushie)

Retacarte'ge se Xersi
March of Loushinists

Hikayana's territory inside RRRC with yellow

Part of: Hikayami Empire

Capital and Largest City: Empress City
Administration City: Hikayami Union City

Population: 6,913,000,000

Official Language: Loushie, Azura

Religion(s): State Religion

Hikayamese (Local)
Loushian (General)

Unitary Qizuraist semi-absolute monarchy within the absolute sovereignty of Loush Land

Currency: Tenalzuria (LZ)

Time Zone: UTC - 9

Date Format: DD/MM/YYYY

One of Loush Land's Constituent Country

Hikayana or officially the RRRC People's Government of the Empress State of Hikayana is a member state of Loush Landian Union and the member state in Hikayami Empire (Union State of Hikayana-Yaminokousen). Hikayana is on the western of the RRRC.

Hikayana used to be part of a larger nation namely the Hikayami Empire which unites Hikayana and Yaminokousen, today is under the Union State of Hikayana-Yaminokousen. The 1989 riot caused chaos in the Hikayami Empire, followed by the empire's dissolution. Hikayana used to be a socialist republic between 2020 to 2030. Finally, in 2032, Yaminokousen and Hikayana united again under the Union State of Hikayana-Yaminokousen Act (Act of Union 2032) officially given by Arcalies Azarious.
