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Poldanz-Rumerian Labor Party (LP)
Labor PartyPartia Pracy
Partidul Muncii
History |
Modern Day
The Labor has had a string of losses during its entire existence, although winning large portions of the parliament the party has never had a party member as prime minister
In recent years the party has begun to increase in popularity as the Conservative Party looses popularity. Some predict that a Labor Party controlled government is soon coming.
The Party has many prominent figures, but no more that Andrei Bucur, a young member of parliament, and the president of the Labor Party. He is the most popular member of the Labor Party
In 2002 the Liberal Union Party disbanded and several other parties were formed, including the Labor Party. The Labor Party was formed by Cristian Stoica, Radu Vasile, and Ioana Enache. To this day the Labor Party competes with the other succesors of the Liberal Union Party such as the Social People's Party, and the New Liberal Party.
Views |
The Union
As times move foward many believe the Union between Poldanz and Rumaria is old and unnecessary. Though Many of the members of the Labor Party believe that the union is essential to the peoples prosperity. They believe that both nations and as equaly as important to the other.
The Labor Party believes the education needs to be greatly reformed the create more access to lower income families. They wish to create Universal Education and provide free education to all
The Labor party believes that the nation should reform the police system, and add more restrictions to their power.
The Labor believes that universal healthcare should be created and that the nation should give people free access to healthcare and important drugs
Gun Control
Some in the Labor Party believe that guns should remain legal but should be more restricted. While others believe guns should outright be banned from public use
The Labor Party wants to create a better environment. That includes creating power alternatives such as wind, hydro, geothermal, solar, and most importantly nuclear. They believe that some plastic items should be banned and coal power, a major power producer in the nation. should be banned.
The Labor Party believes that the high Millitary budget should be reduced to be put into social needs
The Labor Party belives the there should be higher taxes for people, but have free social needs.