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Poldanz-Rumarian United Conservative Party (UCP)
[Color=teal][size=170][b]Coservative Party[/b][/size][/color] [Size=90][color=gray]Partia Konserwatywna[/color][/size] [Size=90][color=gray]Partidul Conservator[/color][/size] [Img View="standout"]https://i.ibb.co/D9ndMvX/Untitled93-20230803143833.png[/img] [Table][tr][td][size=170]History[/size][/tr][/td][/table] [Size=120][b]Modern Day[/b][/size] The Conservative party has won the majority of the parliament in every election since the 2002 National Elections. Though many believe the party is in the direction of collapse due to an emerging liberal outlook among the people, as well as major disputes among politicians within their own party. In recent the years politicians of the conservative party have been accused of rigging elections, bribing and even assassinations. Most notably the assassination of Congresswoman Jadwiga Adamik, a popular politician apart of the National Labor Party. Ludwig Protski has remained Prime minister since the 2018 National Elections, winning the 2022, 2020, and 2018 national elections. Many await the 2024 election due to rumors that Prime minister Protski is planning to resign, a rumor that he has yet to deny nor admit. [Size=120][b]60s-00s[/b][/size] During the 60s the conservative Party won every election with relative ease, mainly due to the prosperity of the era, commonly referred to as the "Roaring 60s". This took an immediate turn in 1971 with the Buchajek Crisis. Prime Minister Buchajek was proven to have been rigging elections, controlling major news networks and controlling nearly all of media within the state. After the this Primeminnister Buchajek declared a cancellation of the upcoming elections and arresing many political opponents. Several days later General Micheal Zown and a large group of millitary officers couped the government. General Zown declared Buchjek's Dictatorship over and the reestablishment of democracy. Throughout the rest of the 70s many reforms came to the government to stop this from happening again, Along wtih recovering from the eceonoic collapse caused by this. The 80s and 90s showed a bad era of losses for the Conservative party, Mainly to the reputation hit from the Buchajek Crisis. It won only a couple elections up until 2002 when the Liberal Union Party split into different factions. [Size=120][b]Founding-50s[/b][/size] In 1932 the Danz National Congress was held by the Imperial party to decide the fate of the party. The party was extremely diverse and the people were unhappy about it. In the end the Imperial Party was dispanded, resulting in the creation of many new parties, most notably, the Conservative Party, New Imperial Party, and the Christian Liberty Party. The United Conservative Party was cretated shortly after the Congress by Joseph Joskvitch, Micheal Krakow, and Fredrick Weisz. During the 30s and 40s the party constantly competed for the number one succecor of the Imperial Party with the other parties. By the 50s the party began to greately overshine the other parties and by the 60s the Conservative Party was the only relevant one left. [Table][tr][td][Size=170][b]Views[/b][/size][/tr][/td][/table] [Size=120][b]The Union[/b][/size] As times move foward many believe the Union between Poldanz and Rumaria is old and unnecessary. Though Many of the memeber of the Conservative Party believe that the union is essential to either of the kingdoms sovereignty. They believe that both nations and as equaly as important to the other. [Size=120][b]Education[/b][/size] The Conservative Party belives education is vital for someones success. They believe that Private schools should exist but should not be paid for by people who aren't using it. [Size=120][b]Police[/b][/size] The Conservative Party believes the Police and vital for the safety of people and believe a high amount of money should be poured into police budgets. The Party supports the pride of the police and holds many parades for police and other safety personel. [Size=120][b]Healthcare[/b][/size] The Coservative Party believes that healthcare should not be free due to the high costs for the nation. They also believe Big Pharma should be destroyed. [Size=120][b]Gun Control[/b][/size] The Conservative Party believes all sane people have the right to a gun and the right to defend themselves. [Size=120][b]Enviroment[/b][/size] The Conservative party believes is conserving the enviroment. While some in the party believe global warming is a mojr issue, others believe it is not. [Size=120][b]Millitary[/b][/size] The Conservative Party believes that the Millitary is worthy of a high budget due to the growing threats of the world. [Size=120][b]Taxation[/b][/size] The Coservative Party belives the there should be low taxes for people. [Align=center][Size=50][Color=gray][b]Made by the National Conservative Party Historians[/b][/color][/size][/align]