
by The Blauer Reichsadler of Lemsrow. . 1 reads.

Marsch des Reichsadler - March of the Imperial Eagle

Official National Anthem - March of the Imperial Eagle

Composed by: Sir Patterson Hamburgia

Melody: Link Marcha Nacíonal / Chosen Land

Honor to he,
For he is valiant,
And to his, supporting wife!

To Lemsrow,
All fought to its stand,
Until the last person,
Never to falter!

On the land or seas,
By wreath and blade,
By blood and our arms!
Avant to our fate,
Arise for your country!

Never to fall,
Never to surrender,
Avant to victory!
Display your unending bravery for us all.

Even in hardships,
Go on, be a hero!
For our country,
For our unity,

Lest unity falters,
Always reminisce our stand,
To Lemsrow and its people!

Composed on October 21,1477, Sir Patterson Hamburgia composed this song as part of a collection of German anthems which should be used in his opinion.

The song's name at the time has changed heavily from the 1470s up until the 21st century beginning as "Familie, Leute, Land" from 1477-1998, then renamed to "Marsch des Lerrach" from 1998-2000, then arriving to its final name of "Marsch des Reichsadler" from 2001 up until now.
