
by Frelandog. . 24 reads.

Jesus Loves You for those who are broken.

It may seem like it's the end. It may seem like your are at the end of your rope, but Jesus is here for you. Jesus loves you. He wants you to come to Him. His arms are wide open. Just run into them and feel the embrace of His love. Have hope in the fact that His love will never leave you. Know he is there with you and will always be. Jesus is ready for you. Don't give up hope, instead. ask Jesus to give you hope.

For "The Lord is close to the heartbroken and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

"Tears are prayers to. They travel to God when we can't speak." Psalm 56:8

His love is eternal, so let your life be too. - Me

Struggles are not the last thing we will face, God is. Fight through those struggles and achieve the greatest gift of eternal life. - Me.

Worry, not. For Jesus is with you. Hate yourself not, because you are a part of the Lord. If one is to hate themself, they hate the Lord. - Me

Remember that Jesus loves you. I don't know how to reiterate this anymore. He always has and will be with you. He will fight for you. Go outside and scream "Satan leave me." Call upon Jesus, pray for His mercy and His help. He will come through. He will be with you for all eternity.

If you need more personalized help

Telegram me.

If you are thinking of committing the act of acts call 811.

This is not the end, this is only the beginning of a new you.

I love you so so so much.

