
by The United Republic of Transvaall. . 33 reads.

The political parties of Transvaall

The Democratic Socialist Workers Party (DSWP)

date created: 2nd February 2019

President: Johannes Louie Benedict

Political Advisors:
Mark Red frank
Doug Frank
Karl Crandt Daor
Frank Watten Javar
William Frank Smitten
Harry Gonar Brack

Headquarters: Union Street, Rietfontein, Pretoria

currently ruling: yes

Economic system: mixed economy

Church and State: Separated but with exceptions.

Religious Orientation: Pluralism

Motto: Great and Vast Transvaall Arise for the People

History: during the early stages of the Transvaalli independence war against the British, the DSP assumed main control of the revolution along with the SLP, together they made a provisional joint government called the Provisional Joint Revolutionary Transvaalli Government (PJRTG) along with other smaller factions helping them, after the revolution and the war won, democratic elections were held, the DSP and SLP had very close votes but the DSP came out on top and won the elections, but due to the closeness in the elections the DSP and SLP made a coalition government, but technically the DSP were the first party to rule Transvaall.

Policy's and characteristics:

1:Much property held by the public through a democratically elected government, including most major industries, utilities, and transportation systems

2:A limit on the accumulation of private property

3:Governmental regulation of the economy

4:Extensive publicly financed assistance and pension programs

5:Social costs and the provision of services added to purely financial considerations as the measure of efficiency

("Die Werkersparty" is Afrikaans for The WorkersParty)

The Left Liberal Association(LLA)

Date created: 7th February 2019

President: Frank Garno Richtofen

Political Circle:

Jean De Clark
Badru Azizi
Aberash Abeba
Kevin Schulz
Gregory Halfken Slak
Bob Shalden

Headquarters: Kitara Street, Timbisa, Midrand

Currently ruling: Collaborating with the DSP

Economic system: Market economy

Church and State: Separated but with exceptions.

Religious Orientation: Pluralism

History: The LLA was one of the first parties to revolt and also was one of the main parties that formed the Provisional government know as the Provisional Joint Revolutionary Transvaalli Government (PJRTG), they were by far the most economically strong as they held the most major industrial areas but were shown to be very lacking in the military sides of things for the PJRTG so they stuck to being more economically contributing, after the war the elections began and after a very close election between the LLA and DSP they made a coalition government which presently has proved to be a highly stable coalition.

Policy's and characteristics:
Addressing economic and social issues such as poverty, welfare, infrastructure, health care, education, and the climate using government intervention while emphasizing individual rights and autonomy are expectations under a social liberal government.

The Transvaalli Peoples Communist Workers Party (TPCWP)

Date created: 6th July 2020

President: Jean Jack Mclowly

Political Circle:

George Marc Hut
Marcus Kofnah
Harry Buden Gonof
Johnny matz
Josef Krack

Headquarters: Jasmyn Street, Grimbeek Park, Potchefstroom

Currently Ruling: No

Economic system: Anarchy

Church and State: Athiest State

History: Radical communists originally rose up with the DSWP as they had similar goals but the leaders, President Johannes (DSWP) and the previous leader of the TPCWP, Drakhan Van Storkhroom, had major strategic disagreement's during the war and split off from each other's party's and eventually became major enemies and formally declared war on each other during the Independence war which would lead to the PCWP's downfall as they originally had the most manpower and political dominance but after losing 2 major battles which was the Battle of Charlestown and The defense of Ermelo which they were numerically superior but due to bad coordination they lost both and due to this they became increasingly unstable and were being pushed back on all fronts but eventually held out in small areas such as Vlakfontein, Delmas, Potchefstroom and most of the North West Province, after the war, the elections began but they lost by a huge amount as the people still had a recent memory of the failures of the PCWP and presently the PCWP is still hostile to the current government and have gotten a substantial increase in power from taking over one of their main rivals which was the RANF (Radical African Nationalist Front) during their collapse.

Policy's and characteristics:

1:common ownership of the means of production with free access to the articles of consumption and is often classless, stateless, and moneyless, implying the end of the exploitation of labor.

2: classless society is where there are no differences between the rich and the poor. Society is otherwise divided into the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, who are the owner class and the worker class, respectively.

3: Common ownership of all resources
For society to be classless, people need to abolish the existing system of control and division. Common ownership is the best way to achieve this goal. Therefore, the community as a whole produces, and the community as a whole enjoys its benefits.

4:Against democracy,
Democracy involves the liberty to enter private organizations or players into the market, among other things. Communist ideology does not accept privatization as it is a deterrent in the path of a classless society. Communism in China is an example where they oppose the idea of democracy.

5:Private property,
When private people enter production, they tend to focus more on profit. As their earning capacity increases, their quality of life changes, resulting in dramatic lifestyle changes. Obviously, this will be different for those who do not have money. Therefore, abolishing private property is an essential characteristic of communist ideology.
("Volkskommunistiese Party" is Afrikaanse for Peoples Communist Party

Radical African Nationalist Front (RANF)(Forcibly dissolved) (Terrorist organization)

Date created: 16th February 2019

President: Dikembe Nkrumah Abara

Political Circle:

Byron Briar (ARRESTED)
Luna Cadid Fhnah(ARRESTED)
Calix Sipho Holt
Mugabe Nkrumah Julius(ARRESTED)
Sabri Cain Nyerere
Kofi Selassie(ARESSTED

Headquarters: Mabola, Winburg

Currently Ruling: No

Economic system: Radical Command Economy

Church and State: Together

Religious Orientation: Islam

History: By far one of the most radical parties they are major enemies of almost all parties except for the UCAC as they share a hatred for the DSP and LLA, they are notably the most religious of the parties being Islamic extremist's,
during the war they would be actively hostile and racist toward all white majority cities and areas where they captured, even having reportedly massacred the areas, due to this the DSP and RNAF had extremely hostile relations and would actively attack each other whenever the opportunity, at 2021 during the climax of the war the DSP focused on taking out the RNAF when having peace talks with the British, after 2 major battles at Newcastle the previous leader of the RNAF was captured along with some of the other leaders, at July 7th 2021 they were exucuted and the party fell into disarray but the current leader Badru Galon Julius was able to stabilize and unite the party once again, although their popularity and influence had drastically been hit and unsurprisingly they lost the elections, presently they are still the most hostile to the government.

policy's and characteristics:

1: Expansion of national boundaries.

2: dictatorial power and strong regimentation of society and economy.

3: Absolute Power of the State.

4: a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites

5: extreme militaristic nationalism.

Loyalist King Johan party (LKJP) (Currently Getting Reworked)

Date Created: 19th December 2022

President: Johan bona Konn

Political Circle:

Hans Josef Gronar
Jessica Bonof
Larry Hart
Nick Mynah Kah
George Kena
Mick Dakkins

Headquarters: Allen Street, Newcastle

Currently Ruling: No

Economic system: Mercantilism

Church and State: Together

Religious Orientation: Catholic

History: The Loyalist King Johan Party (LKJP) was a faction within the Radical African Nation Front (RANF) that seceded after the RANF collapsed and would fight off the Union of Communist and Anarchic Communists (UCAC) from getting annexed and losing their autonomy, the LKJP are monarchists who wants to instill a Monarchist Government in Transvaall and have chosen Johan Bona Konn as there king and so far don't have too much of a history as they are a new party and have yet to show there power on actually being a major party to be elected or not but so far it doesn't seem the LKJP will be much of a competitor.

Policy's and Characteristics:

1: the king or queen is by no means limited and has absolute power, though a limited constitution may exist in some countries.

2: Individuals owe their loyalties to the crown and will be loyal to it.

3: Controls taxes and dominates the upper class.

4: Monarch rules by divine right and decides what is best for the state.

5: Ruler shall dominate cultural life either is patron of arts or by censorship/controls what subjects are exposed to.

United Conservative Party (UCP)

Date Created: 18th December 2022

President: John Clark

Political Circle:

Jessica Picka
Sipho Adamma
Abiona fah
Aamadu nokah
Farah Hess donatahjer
Harry Parth

Headquarters: Tembisa, Johannesburg

Currently Ruling: No

Economic system: Mixed Economy

Church and state: Together

Religious Orientation: Catholic

History: The United Conservative Party (UCP) was a faction that had a strong influence in the Radical African Nation Party (RANF) and during the collapse of the RANF the SCP hastily seceded from the RANF before the Union of communists and Anarchic Communist's (UCAC) could take control of them and has officially become a political party, the UCP are so far relatively small but are gaining voters quite quickly in a short span of time due to there not being a conservative party originally and are becoming a serious contender for the Democratic Socialist Party (DSA) and the Left Liberal Association (LLA) for being elected as a ruling party, the history so far is small due to being a new party but so far it is seeming to be a upcoming contender for the DSA and LLA.

Policy's and Characteristics:

1: the conservative adheres to custom, convention, and continuity.

2: Represents the accumulation wisdom and experience of the past. Traditions offer security, a sense of belonging and of being firmly rooted in the past.

3: Defends the traditional social order.

4: Free market should be free of interference from the state.

5: Strong state required to maintain public order and respect for authority. "the free economy and the strong state"

United Supreme Nationalist Front (USNF) (DISSOLVED)

Date created: 21st December 2022

President: Amari Amah Adule

Political Circle:

Julius nasr
Zuma Louie Patten
Paulo Pereira
Francisco Silva
Tomás Santos
Aadan Ibrahim

Headquarters: Kanonkop, Middelburg

Currently Ruling: No

Economic system: Command economy

Church and State: Athiest State

History: The United Supreme Nationalist Front (USNF) is yet another break-away faction that broke off from the Radical African Nationalist Front (RANF) during its collapse and it caused much mayhem and death among its engagements with other factions in the RANF and the Union of Communists and Anarchic Communists (UCAC), many people see the USNF as the successor to the RANF as they are just as radical and Facist as the RANF and definetly will be going to be a thorn in Transvaalls back and the other parties, the USNF strives for absolute, Tyrannical and authoritarian control over the country and also believe that there are races above others and in general can be compared to the Nazis and are by far the most radical of the parties.

Policy's and Characteristics:

1: dictatorial power and strong regimentation of society and economy.

2: a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites

3: Supremacy of the Military

4: use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are
flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

5: Controlled Mass Media,
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or
sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time.
