
by The Armed Republic of Charge Island. . 3 reads.

Charge Island: Subdivisions

- The 16 Lantkraisá of Charge Island.

Charge Island consists of 16 Lantkraisá. Lantkraisá is roughly the equivalent of the English term "district".

This factbook covers them all in detail.

Greater Schlechtstadt

Greater Schlechtstadt (Charginian: Grosá Sklektstát) is the most populated Lantkraisá in Charge Island with a total population of 9 million people. Greater Schlechtstadt is located in the North-West of the nation. It holds the capital city of Charge Island, Schlechtstadt, along with several other cities with regional importance. Greater Schlechtstadt was established on May 9th, 1954, not long after the Van Grun family had gained power. Previously, the city of Schlechtstadt was in the New Heligoland Lantkraisá but was separated from it, almost halving New Heligoland's population. Greater Schlechtstadt is also by far the most urbanised Lantkraisá in the country, with approximately 68% of its territory being made up of the city of Schlechtstadt and its surrounding settlements.

New Heligoland

New Heligoland (Charginian: Neu-Helgolant) is located in the North-West of Charge Island. It borders Greater Schlechtstadt to the South and Grunkraisá to the South-East. The administrative centre of New Heligoland is located in the city of Blaudorf. Historically, New Heligoland contained the city of Schlechtstadt but lost it in 1954 following the creation of the Greater Schlechtstadt lantkraisá. It is named after the small archipelago of Heligoland which is located in the North Sea and part of Germany.


Nordkraisá is the northernmost Lantkraisá of Charge Island and the only one to have just one neighbour, that being New Schleswig. The administrative centre of Nordkraisá is Maksimilianstadt, a planned city named after Maksimilian van Grun and is also the fourth largest city in terms of population, having approximately 1,700,000 people.

New Schleswig

New Schleswig (Charginian: Neu-Slessvik) is located in the North of Charge Island and is one of only two Lantkraisá that border both sides of the sea, the other being Súdkraisá. Its administrative centre is the city of New Kiel. New Schleswig is named after the region of Schleswig, near Germany and Denmark. New Kiel is named after the city of Kiel which is in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein.


Fridakraisá (named after the mother of Maksimilian van Grun, Frida van Grun) is located in Central Western side of Charge Island. Its administrative centre is the city of Frida-Stadt (Frida-Stát). It is the most recently created Lantkraisá of Charge Island, being established on August 31st, 1983, prior to that, it was part of Hanskraisá.


Hanskraisá (named after the father of Maksimilian van Grun, Hans van Grun) is located in Central Western side of Charge Island. Its administrative centre is the city of Hans-Stadt (Hans-Stát). As mentioned earlier, it used to be larger until 1983 when half of its territory was used to create the Lantkraisá of "Fridakraisá". Hanskraisá is currently the only landlocked Lantkraisá.


Grunkraisá is located in the North, bordering Greater Schlechtstadt, New Heligoland and New Schleswig. Its administrative centre is the city of Grunstadt (Grúnstát). Grunkraisá was previously part of New Schleswig before becoming its own Lantkraisá in the 1960s.


Vestkraisá is located in the Central-West area of Charge Island, bordering Fridakraisá to the North and Ferdkraisá to the East. Prior to its creation in 1956, it was part of Ferdkraisá. Its administrative centre is the town of Platindorf.


Ferdkraisá is located in the Central-West area of Charge Island bordering Bárkraisá to the South, Lilákraisá to the East and Vestkraisá to the West. It is the largest Lantkraisá in the nation and contains the important city of Ferdvonung, which is its administrative centre, and where Ferdkraisá gets its name from. Ferdvonung is a historically and culturally important city to Charge Island as it was the capital city of the nation until 1913 when it was replaced by Schlechtstadt.


Maksimiliankraisá is located in the Central-East region of Charge Island bordering Lilákraisá to the South, Grunkraisá to the North, Hanskraisá to the North-West and Ferdkraisá to the South-West. The administrative centre is the town of Kobaltstadt (Kobaltstát). Prior to 1990, it had the name of Ostkraisá but was renamed by Ralf van Grun after Maksimilian died in 1989.


Lilákraisá is located on the Eastern side of Charge Island bordering Maksimiliankraisá to the North, Gutenkraisá to the South-East and Bárkraisá and Rotkraisá to the South. Its administrative centre is the town of Liladorf.


Gutenkraisá is located in the South-East area of Charge Island bordering Súdkraisá to the South, Lilákraisá to the North-West and Bárkraisá to the West. Its administrative centre is the city of Gutendorf, which is the third largest city in terms of population in Charge Island with a population of 4,700,000 people. Gutendorf is also where the largest Air Force base in the country is located.


Bárkraisá is located in the South-West region of Charge Island and borders Rótkraisá to the East and Ferdkraisá and Lilákraisá to the North. Its administrative centre is the town of Grauburg. Its name translates to "Bear District" although it should be noted that Bears have never traditionally been known to live in Charge Island, so it is unknown as to why it has this name.


Rótkraisá is located in the Southern region of Charge Island bordering Bárkraisá to the West, Súdkraisá to the South-East and Gutenkraisá to the North-East. Its administrative centre is the town of Rotastadt (Rótástát).


Súdkraisá is the southernmost Lantkraisá of Charge Island and the second of only two that border both sides of the ocean, the other being New Schleswig. Its administrative centre is the city of Sudstadt (Súdstát).


Kleinislant is located off the South-West coast of Charge Island and is the only Lantkraisá to not border any other, due it being an island. Its administrative centre is the city of Kleindorf which is the fifth largest city in Charge Island. Founding President, Maksimilian van Grun, called Kleinislant a "beautiful little abode" and stayed many holidays there. Kleinislant is also noted for the distinctive Kleinislant accent, unlike any other in Charge Island.

Historical regions

Charge Island can also be subdivided into the three historical regions of "Nord", "Sentral" and "Súd" however these are not in official use and are mostly discouraged in modern times.
