Dispatch → Factbook → Miscellaneous
Awards and Honours (WIP)
Military AwardsSolaris Medal
The highest possible award that can be granted. Awarded by the current monarch of Lussia in recognition of incredible bravery and heroism in the face of overwhelming danger. If the recipient is not already they are immediately elevated to knighthood and granted to right to use the title Knight of Solaris. If already a Knight they are immediately promoted. Can be awarded posthumously.
Luna Medal
Awarded to the next of kin of those who died in the line of duty.
Stellaris Medal
Awarded for outstanding acts of courage, bravery, valor, and devotion to duty in the face of the enemy. Can be awarded posthumously.
Silver Heart Medal
Awarded to those who through their actions saved some ones life. Can be awarded posthumously.
Combat Medal
Awarded to those who have actively participated in combat whilst under enemy fire. Can be awarded posthumously.
Prisoner of War Medal
Awarded to those who are taken prisoner of war. Can be awarded posthumously.
Long Service Medal
Awarded to those who have served for 10 consecutive years
Honourable Conduct Medal
Awarded to those who's service has been without demerit for 4 consecutive years.
Home Defence Medal
Awarded to those who participated in the combat within or on the Lussian borders. Can be awarded posthumously.
Campaign Ribbons
Awarded to those who participated in military campaigns at home or abroad. Each Campaign will have a unique ribbon designed.
International Service Ribbon
Awarded to those who complete at least 3 consecutive months of service outside of Lussia.