
by The Kongúrrikki of Droiden. . 15 reads.


The American Republic is what remains of the United States after the 2020 American Spring revolutions and secessions from the union. It is led by President Edward McMadden, a Libertarian from the state of Virginia. Droiden currently maintains relatively peaceable relations with the American Republic.

The Kingdom of Antioch is one of five seats of the recognized autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchs. It contains much of the Levant, though ceded Jerusalem to the International Commission for Abrahamic Faiths in 1997. Droiden remains very close to the Kingdom. It is led by King Paul.

The Kingdom of Bavaria-Wurttemburg is the largest independent German Rump State. After the dissolution of the German Empire after the Great War, Bavaria-Wurttemburg became the most dominant power in what was once Germany. King Rudolph leads the nation, though it is rumored that he seeks to abdicate in favor of his son, Wilhelm. Droiden remains neutral towards the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Brandenburg is the richest and eastmost German Rump State. After the dissolution of the German Empire after the Great War, Brandenburg was forcibly split from the other German states, leaving it destitute. However, after several decades, the nation has built itself up to be prosperous. It is led by King Franz, and retains somewhat peaceful relations with Droiden.

The Dominion of Canada is the most powerful nation in North America. In 2020, after a sizeable portion of Northern States sought to form the Great Northern Syndicate, the American Republic called on its old friend, who helped the Americans crush the rebellion. Parts of what would be the GNS were ceded to Canada. Prime Minister Alan Barteau has ruled since 2033. Droiden is friendly towards the Dominion

Formed from what once was the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, the Seattle Syndicate is de-facto led by Raz Symone, a rap artist turned revolutionary as a result of the American Spring. Many people, including British Syndicalist Charles Bonnington, have moved to the area in recent times. Droiden is strictly hostile towards the Seattle Syndicate.

As a result of increased tensions between religious communities in the United States, Mormons across Utah and surrounding states decided to form a movement to secede, forming the Deseret Republic, a Theodemocratic State. It is led by Martin Rex Laurence, who is a member of the Deseret Union Party, bearing similarities to the Republican Party of the United States before Trump. Droiden is actively against Deseret, but maintains cordial relations with it.

As the United States became less and less stable, eight southern states officially handed in a group secession decree. As the US government was wrapped up with everything else happening, it could not maintain a presence within the new nation. Despite its name and symbolism, the Dixie Republic is a relatively moderate state, with policies open to labor reform and going as far as decriminalizing marijuana. It is headed by President Ron DeSantis and maintains somewhat peaceful relations with Droiden

After the breakup of the United Kingdom, England was left a weakened and disgraced state. Still maintaining control of Wales and the Isle of Man, however, the English Government decided to incorporate Wales and Mann into the fold at the same level as Scotland was within the old UK. It is headed by King William V, and maintains peaceful relations with Droiden.

With the help of Droiden, Napoleon I was able to win the fight against the Russians. This leads to the survival of Napoleon's France to this day. It is led by Emperor Napoleon XII, and Droiden retains friendly ties with the French Empire

The Kongúrrikki of Droiden

