
by The Coalition of The Independent States of Allied Forces. . 174 reads.

Embassy and Foreign Policy of Wintercrest

The People's Constitutional Republic of Wintercrest
Forever Forward!

Embassy and Foreign Policy of Wintercrest

Founded in our ideals, Wintercrest both in domestic and interregional affairs stands firmly upon the belief in strict regional independence, respect & honesty in all interactions, and equality in all exchanges & agreements.

Wintercrest also stands strongly in its commitment to eradicate Fascism and Nazism from NationStates, either through military gameplay and forced regional destruction, or standing with the scores of other world governments in their calls for an outright banning of Nazi roleplay and themes through site moderation. We stand united in the belief that these themes and acceptance of these values are unacceptable in the wider global community represented within NationStates.

Wintercrest strives to connect with both large and (within reason) small regions of similar mindsets, and also those who wish to gain a trustworthy and long term ally. We prefer if agreements and exchanges are made through formal treaties, however remain flexible enough to work with those with less experience in diplomatic affairs and undeveloped regions. As such, Wintercrest encourages all regions of similar mindsets to reach out and establish relations regardless of embassy eligibility.

Embassy Policy of Wintercrest

  • Gameside Embassies will be granted to regions with at least 40 Nations. Some exceptions may be permitted on case by case basis with our State Council approval.

  • Gameside Embassies shall be granted to all leftist regions with at least 20 nations. Some exceptions may be permitted on case by case basis with our State Council approval.

  • Gameside and Discord embassies do not imply a formal treaty with the People’s Republic of Wintercrest.

  • Gameside and Discord embassies are open to any and all regions, however if these embassies remain inactive for over 6 months, they may be archived and the ambassador stripped of their foreign dignitary role and downgraded to visitor.

  • Any region with the following tags will be rejected: Fascist/Anti-Socialist/Anti-Communist.

All questions or enquiries regarding embassy, foreign affairs, or treaties should be directed to our Foreign Affairs District Governor, Hopewell Maxen

Official PCR Wintercrest document
